Parent's Day

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Since UA had become a boarding school, every once in a while the parents of the students were invited to come visit as even though the students could visit their parents virtually whenever they wanted, the parents couldn't just come into the school as they pleased. It was a time after breakfast that the first parents came, Uraraka's along with Kaminari's.

"Welcome to the Class 1-A dorms," Hayami greeted both at the door. "I'm the new teaching assistant, Kurosawa Hayami."

"Ah, Kurosawa-sensei! Denki has spoken very highly of you," Kaminari's mother smiled warmly at her and even gave her a hug. "He says you've been very helpful in his studies."

"Yes, Kaminari-kun has shown he has a brilliant mind, he just doesn't know how to communicate it to the best of his ability. He has the makings of a great hero." Kaminari beamed up at her and she ruffled his hair. "Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable."

"Kurosawa-kun!" Kirishimia's parents had come up while they were talking, and Kaminari broke off talking to Kirishima to call out to Izuku as the boy went running past.

Izuku ran up to him, grinning like a mad man. "We're gonna steal all of Iida's glasses and hide them around the campus, wanna help?" He turned to Uraraka. "Twenty bucks to the person who can get the pair on his face."

"Oh, they are mine! Where is he?!" She ran off.

"Kaminari, I have a very important mission for you," Izuku laid his hands on the electric boy's shoulders. "I need you and Sero to tape Mineta to the roof. I'll buy every person in class a power bank if you can do it."

"Leave it to me!" Kaminari raced off into the dorms.

"Why did you promise to buy the class power banks?" Kirishima's mom asked Izuku.

"Kaminari has an electric quirk, so a lot of the class will ask him to charge their phones when they're out and about. It will be easier on him if he can charge the banks and tell them to buzz off."

"Why are you taping Mineta to the roof," Kirishima asked him, to which Izuku gave that angelic demon's smile.

"It will take Uraraka an hour or so to find Iida and get his glasses, giving them enough time to secure Mineta, and then we can tell Iida we can't find him! Shochan's currently icing over the upper hallway for me, and Mina's melting the roof door handles."

"Okay, but that didn't answer my question."

"Because he tried to sneak into Oneechan's room this morning, and watching Iida run around blind trying to find him before she gets to him will be hilarious." He darted off, calling out to Jiro.

"You know, Kurosawa-kun and -sensei make it really easy to forget they're villains," Tokoyami remarked. "Until you piss either of them off."

"You can say that again. Iida's gonna think she really did kill him, she did threaten to feed him his own eyes." Hagakure giggled.

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima's mother was alarmed, as was the collection of parents.

"Oh, they're here in a rehab program for villains," Kirishima scratched the back of his head. "Achlys and Deimos. Aizawa-sensei brought them in. Kurosawa-sensei's a really good person, and a great teacher."


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