Scouting An End

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Izuku was staring at the tall wall surrounding the UA high school looking at the information displayed across the eyes of his mask, playing with a knife in one hand. He didn't move as a hand touched his shoulder.

"Missing your days dreaming of going there?" Hayami played with a piece of his hair.

Izuku snorted in disgust. "More like planning the best way to burn it down." He gestured at the figures streaming into the building. "Do you know what today is?"

"I don't know, entrance exam?" Hayami sat down beside him and put on the top half of her mask, sorting the information she could see as well into neat folders.

Izuku outlined the arch that the students were walking through. "Indeed. I heard you need a pass to get through the UA Barrier, I wonder how they handle that on days like this. I can't imagine they'd disable it."


Inside UA, several teachers were listening to the pair in the conference room, Cementoss had noticed them and stuck a microphone just under the roof with his cement quirk.

"Shigaraki is an idiot, Oneechan, UA is too well defended," Deimos's voice came from Nezu's screen. A few of the teachers exchanged looks.

"So they're siblings." Snipe muttered.

"We don't believe so," Nezu spoke quickly, "not blood related, in any case."

"He's a manchild who only gets his way because of the master. But as the 'leader' of his circus act, he can send us any where he wishes. I suspect the master will figure out a way for him to get in. Kurogiri only needs a small opening after all."

"Have you seen it?"

"No," she sighed. "I think the master's interferring with my sight when it comes to the villains. I don't think he fully trusts us."

"I wonder who 'the master' is," Aizawa muttered, rubbing a hand over his face. He didn't miss the look between All Might and Nezu.

"So she has a prediction quirk, huh?" Vlad King crossed his arms.

"So how would you try to get into UA?" Deimos could be heard shuffling around.

Achlys made a thoughtful noise. "Well. The first thing would be to create a distraction. The general public isn't aware All Might is teaching this year, and the press would have a field day asking students questions, and make a nuisence of themselves trying to talk to All Might. I would try to use them."

The teachers exchanged looks. "How does she know All Might is teaching?"

"I can't imagine he'll have an easy time," Deimos said, with clear malice. "Poor All Might, be a shame if someone finished what the master started. How long do you think he'll live with those injuries as a skeleton?"

All Might's eyes widened. "They know. How do they know?!"

Achlys's voice changed to a more soothing tone. "Easy little one. You'll have your 'day in court' so to speak. But rash actions lead to dangerous consequences."

"He should know what he did," Deimos said, still angry but subdued.

"And he will, I can promise you that. But it's too late to change your future, you know that."

Deimos grumbled. "I'm not lamenting that future. I hate that he smiles while he lies through his teeth. I hope karma bites him soon."

Achlys gave a chilling laugh. "Yes. Toshinori Yagi, your day of reckoning draws near. I see it."

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