Playing Roles

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Six months have passed since Hayami 'adopted' Izuku as her little brother, his lessons progressing quickly in both the physical and mental. A common day for them? Trying to break each other's encryptions after breakfast, sparring and studies after lunch, ending in hours spent in front of a target with a dozen kind of knives after dinner.

"Oneechan, where is the TV remote?" he asked in English, having picked up the language so quickly Hayami now forbid Japanese in the apartment. 

"You can have it once you've done a second set." She reply absently, working on her laptop. Izuku picked up his knives, then came to her to select the ones he'd train with.

"Who are you hacking today? And can we have katsudon for dinner?" He peered over her shoulder at the lines of code flashing up the screen. From her lessons, he could follow what she was doing, but he was far from mastering the particular technique she preferred.

 "I've decided on a generous donation from a famous author. See if we have the ingredients, and if not, I'll pick up what we need once I'm finished." A moment later her phone dinged with a small list, along with other odds and ends they needed.

Hayami left him throwing knives at a target, going out in a cropped sweatshirt despite the chill, the easier to use her spider legs if needed. This turned out to be a mistake, as on her way home, a familiar dull grey scarf wrapped around her waist, trapping her arms to her side. But Hayami had noticed him following her blocks ago, and in a fit of inspiration, burst into tears.

"No! Help! Villain! Please, let me go!" She struggled, dropping the shopping. 

"Oh, shi-" The scarf loosened. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm a pro hero, my name is Eraserhead." He released her and she backed away, still playing scared. "I'm sorry, I confused you for someone else," he said, bending down and picking up the bags to hand back.

"Wait... if a pro confused me for someone else... does that mean you think I'm a.. villain?!" She pretended to be upset, trying not to smile at his expression.

"Ah..." He hesitated, scratching the side of his head. 

Hayami couldn't help but giggle at his awkwardness. "I'll forgive you." She took the bags, checking to make sure nothing had been damaged.

"Honestly, I'm not so sure she is a villain," he admitted, not noticing her frown. "I mean, yeah, she's on the list of villains, and we've got evidence, but we had a fight, and she ended up actually helping me. It makes me think she's not a villain by choice."

"How can I not be a villain?" Hayami couldn't help murmuring to herself after the hero had left, "After all, what daughter kills her own father?"

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