He Likes Me! He Likes Me!

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The class ended up choosing The Mummy(1999), and they settled down to watch, occasionally giggling or munching popcorn. In the middle, Izuku got distracted by his hand brushing against Todoroki's hair. It was a strange sensation, because his wrist was against the red side, and the back of his hand against the white, and there was a noticable temperature difference. 

Todoroki had frozen at the touch, wondering what he should do. He had felt Kurosawa's arm pause when it had brushed against his hair, and it was still there, resting lightly, like an unspoken question. He had no doubts if he pulled his head away, Kurosawa would move his arm away too, but what if he didn't?

Izuku smiled in the dark as Todoroki leaned his head back against his wrist after a long moment, and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. It wasn't long until the dual haired boy relaxed completely, head resting on the couch cushion.

Todoroki stopped paying attention completely to the movie, his entire attention on the gentle fingers combing his hair. He didn't know what Kurosawa was doing, and in that moment, he really didn't care. It felt so nice, he couldn't even remember the last time someone had played with his hair. 

Aizawa had stuck around mostly to make sure things didn't get too rowdy and was mostly napping, but he saw Izuku petting Todoroki and the gentle smiles on each of their faces in the dark. He was glad, the son of Endeavor didn't really show emotion, or get close with any of his classmates. If getting close to the villain boy brought him out of his shell, Aizawa wasn't going to stand in his way, and all the better if he could give Kurosawa a reason to stay and be a hero.

Izuku and Todoroki stayed like that for the rest of the movie, Izuku parting his hair in the red side and pulling his bangs to the right, so that when the movie ended he had a new hairstyle. They took a short break to refresh snacks and put on the sequel, several of the girls complimenting Todoroki on his new look. Todoroki looked at his reflection in the window and decided he'd leave it like that.

Izuku came into the kitchen and noticed him standing alone, still contemplating his reflection. He passed Todoroki on his way back from getting himself more popcorn, and mussed up his hair just for fun before returning to the living room, where Todoroki could hear him admonishing Mina for taking his spot on the couch.

He went out and found a spot beside Izuku on the pillow floor, though Izuku fell asleep fairly quickly. Mizuki was perched on his back, but after a while she made her way over to Todoroki's hand and settled on his palm. He was startled, he hadn't seen the spider leave Kurosawa in the time he'd been here. Could that mean his sister was controlling the spider? Was she trying to tell him something?

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