I AM... Leaving

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"I AM HERE!" All Might threw open the overlarge door to class 1-A. Most of the class was excited to be taught by the number one hero, but Todoroki saw Izuku stiffen out of the corner of his eye, and the look of hatred and terror.

Izuku froze as All Might barged in yelling, instantly taken back to the day his dreams were crushed. Mizuki, sensing his emotions, swarmed up his neck and tried to get his attention. All Might was explaining they were having teams of two go against each other, but Izuku couldn't hear a word of it.

Todoroki wasn't listening much either, paying more attention to Izuku, so he saw when Mizuki bit him, and his silent but hard jerk of pain. Those pale jade eyes met his, and what he saw made him want to get up out of his seat and comfort the boy right there. He didn't see a villain, he saw a boy with a similar pain.

Aizawa had seen Izuku's face just before his reflexive jerk, and decided he'd pull Kurosawa aside and talk to him a little bit. All Might was as the boy's sister had guessed, not even looking his way, and his smile wasn't as bright as normal. All Might was just about to say how'd they'd decide partners, when he cut in, "I've already chosen your pairs. Since we have 21 students, Mineta will be a third in one group." He split them up, purposefully putting Todoroki with Kurosawa. "Kurosawa, stay back a moment, so I can give you the knives the support department made for you."

Izuku let Aizawa put a bandaid on his jaw where Mizuki had bit him, the spider now docile as his collar clasp again. "Are you alright, Kurosawa?" Todoroki crouched down beside him. 

"I... yeah. It's a long story, I'll tell you after school." He tried to smile but couldn't quite manage it.

"You can tell me whenever you're ready to. That doesn't have to be today." 

"Alright, Candy Cane. Now, did the support department actually make knives for me?" He rested his head against Todoroki's but looked up at Aizawa. The dual haired boy's face couldn't seem to decide on pleased or offended.

He cleared his throat. "Yes. Since you insist on making more if they're taken, Nezu had them make these, with the allowance that you may have six real knives on you at all times. If there's an attack, you have permission to share Yaoyorozu's quirk to make more, but no other times. These you can carry at all times." He lifted a case under his desk and put it on Izuku's, revealing a line of electric blue blades that hummed softly. "The blades were designed to pass through living objects, but stay solid through non-living."

"Oo, that would be excellent for intimidating people," Izuku said, picking up a throwing knife and stabbing at his palm. The pale blue blade disappeared as it neared his hand, until only the handle rested against his palm. When he pulled it away, a blue line marked the spot and faded after a good minute.

A Spider's Tale of Love & Blood ~ ON HIATUS PENDING REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now