You Were.. Where?

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"Alright, class," Aizawa said the next morning, "Nezu thinks I need a teaching assistant, please welcome, blah, blah." The class looked towards the door but it didn't open.

"What are they all looking at?" Hayami leaned down next to Izuku and spoke not all that quietly into his ear.

"Dunno, they're-ONEECHAN!" Izuku's scream took the class by surprise, as did his tackle hug of the woman they hadn't noticed at the back of the class. Hayami wrapped her arms around him and laughed, mostly at the shocked expressions on everyone's face.

"...where were you?" Aizawa hadn't noticed her either.

"On the ceiling," she cackled louder. Izuku squeezed her tighter and she ran her fingers through his hair. "Careful, little one, you're gonna crack one of my legs."

"That is very inappropriate behaviour for a teacher's assistant, as is your clothing," she looked up at the bespectacled boy who was making chopping motions with his hands. She had her customary skinny jeans and heeled boots, her sleeveless shirt like a button down worn backwards and open up most of her back.

"Iida Tenya, is it? Class Representive? You wouldn't happen to have a family member called Tensei.. Would you?"

"My older brother, why?" Hayami gave Aizawa a very clear 'oh shit' look, and was holding back more laughter.

He narrowed his eyes and she nodded. Good, she'd tell him later. "Alright, settle down. Since she is a teaching assistant, you will call her Kurosawa-sensei."

"Or Achlys, I'll respond to either," she said, reminding the class that this cheerful woman was one of the top ten villains. Todoroki didn't mind her, Izuku was still tightly holding onto her.

"Hey, I missed you," Hayami spoke softly to him in Russian, "I know you haven't been sleeping well, will you stay with me tonight?"

"You're not gonna leave me again, are you?" He whispered the words, but even being in a second language the choked tone concerned Todoroki.

"I don't see us parting anytime soon," she assured him, "don't you like Todoroki-kun?" The boy in question heard his name, and saw her sweet smile.

"I do, but I haven't been able to tell him everything yet. He says he's okay with waiting, but he knows I've been having nightmares and it disturbs him he doesn't know why or how to help."

"Are you going to be joining us, Kurosawas?" Aizawa sounded bored, and to Hayami, a little concerned. Izuku finally let go of her and sat down. Todoroki sneaked a peak and was startled to see that Mizuki was laying weirdly against his throat, until he realized it was a tattoo that he most definitely did not have that morning.

"Yes, yes," she walked up the line of desks. "Also, I'm a teacher's assistant for this class, not for Aizawa-sensei. So I will be helping each teacher as they come and go. My secondary job is to teach you quirkless combat, like I have with Izuku. Each one of you will choose a weapon and I will do my best to train you in it."

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