A New Destiny

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They sat in silence for a bit before Aizawa spoke up again. "I wanted to ask you, why do you and the boy keep talking about a different future for him?"

"I don't just see the path someone is on at that point in time, I see all possible paths. When I was a child, I wove my sight into my spider quirk, so I can best explain it as looking at a web. Each spoke is a path, each decision is one of the cross sections, and all over it are droplets of a moment in time. I don't start from the point I meet someone and go on, I can start at the center of the web, the start of their life. I can see each moment that made them the person I see in front of me. I don't often do it, but when I met Izu, I did, because I wanted to know what drove him so far."

"In his original future, his mother was a kind, gentle woman who supported him unconditonally. His father was still gone, but they weren't bereft from it. I don't know what changed her in this timeline. His fated meeting with All Might was very much the same, however, it's the sludge villain attack that changed so much. In the original, he didn't tell Izu that life was unfair. So when he came across Bakugo being attacked, he threw his backpack at the villain and inspired All Might to save the idiot, because the other heroes were useless."

"And because of it, All Might chose him as the successor of One For All."

Aizawa was stunned. Hayami half smiled at the look on his face.

"Hard to believe now, isn't it? I know what I do about All Might because he taught everything he could to the Symbol of Hope."

She hummed as she let him process what she said, then tossed a book in his lap that faintly glowed. "What is this?"

"A history book, printed 300 years from now. You see, Deku as he was known, ushered in an era of peace more profound than All Might ever could. Villains didn't fight out of fear, but respect, because he worked to make society better for everyone. People stopped being scared of those with mutant-type quirks, and in turn, they stopped becoming villains because they weren't outcasts anymore. Crime dropped so much pro heroes weren't even needed, they became figureheads, patrolling more to be around for disasters than fighting. All for One and Shigaraki were defeated utterly, and the league disbanded."

"And that," she stood up and brushed off her jeans, "is why I hate All Might. He didn't just ruin one life with his careless words, he may be the end to the society as we know it."

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