An Unfair Fate

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Aizawa was allowed visitors several hours later, Present Mic escorted them over to see him.

"I'm sorry, you want to allow villains to see him?" They heard one nurse ask, none too softly.

"They're in a rehabilitation program at UA, both have quirk cancelling cuffs and have promised to be on their best behaviour. It's just... Eraserhead brought both of them in, they must want to repay him for his generosity." Present Mic explained.

"Well, there's not much to repay, he hasn't woken up yet. He's still in the iffy part of his recovery. But fine." The young woman came around the corner, not looking very happy. Izuku stood up first, and she paused, swallowed hard. "Please, come in. He's still asleep, please try not to disturb him."

"Thank you," Izuku smiled at her. "I'm glad Sensei has such a capable nurse." She flushed, and led them into the room, glancing at Hayami. "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about his condition? My sister and I are indebted to him, I'm truly worried." Hayami hid her smile as the nurse relaxed, chatting more openly with him. He distracted her while Hayami slipped a pale gold liquid into his IV. She took a seat in the chair beside him.

"Well," the nurse explained his facial injury. "We're not sure if his vision will be effected or not." Izuku charmed her a while longer, then sat at Hayami's feet, letting her play with his hair.

"Why don't you tell him?" He asked softly.

Hayami was quiet for a time. "What's the point? He's a hero, I'm a villain."

"What about me and Todoroki?"

"That's different, little one. You're younger, your circumstances more forgiving."

"Why don't you see his future, and who he ends up with?"

"It would do no good but to make me sad. I already know I'm not the hero of my story, I don't get a happy ending. I'm not the woman you take home to meet your parents... I'm the one you meet in a bar, have a wild couple of nights with, and forget as soon as you're sober."

"What if he likes you too?"

"Little one, enough. I already know my future."

"I thought you couldn't see it?"

"I used to be able to." Her fingers stroked through his fluffy near black hair. "That's how I knew his death would be the tipping point. But one day I sat thinking about my sight, and how miserable it made me. Because I saw I would end up alone. And it occurred to me, what if I could trade the ability to see my own future, to see further in others? So I did."

"I just want to see you happy, like Todoroki makes me."

"You're sweet, but  you make me happy. That is enough for me. If all I can do is admire him from afar, that's fine. Love is a two edged sword, that can cut through all your darkest days, or slice your heart apart. Come, it's getting late, we should return to the dorms before Nezu begins to worry."

Behind the curtain separating the room from the next bed, Recovery Girl couldn't help but smile.

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