Hunting A New Path

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'Mr. Deadshot' as Hayami had nicknamed him, proved easy to find, loitering outside a bar with a woman on each arm. Izuku studied him for a bit, then his eyes brightened. "Alright, I have a little plan." He rose up on tiptoe and whispered into her ear.

Smirking, Hayami let him steer her to an alleyway far enough the women wouldn't hear him scream and dropped into a careless heap on the ground. She heard Izuku's footsteps retreating, then his anguished cry for help. "Please! My cousin, she.. she was attacked! Please help!"

Izuku led the man back to where she lay, and when he bent down to check on her, slammed the hilt of his knife against the back of his neck, knocking him out cold. Hayami quickly bit him with a neurotoxin that would keep him down for a while, before binding him tightly in web.

"Hmm, I wanna go for the sharing is caring dude next," Izuku decided. He turned out to be even less of a fight, being blackout drunk already. Izu just pretended to be a nephew and walked him out of the bar.

"Okay..." Hayami surveyed the paper on 'Super Muscles' as he'd been named. "This one is definitely going to be harder. He's home right now, says he's an office manager."

Izuku studied the home, twirling a throwing knife between his fingers. "Can your venom last outside your body?" He asked, eyes traveling to a bakery he could see from their rooftop position.

"You mean will it be potent enough ingested? I've never tried it, but I don't see why not." Hayami filled three vials, each with a different venom. The neurotoxin came out a lovely blue, the paralytic a deep purple, and the sedative a pale pearl. "Good luck," she said, "I'm gonna see if the master won't give me another quirk if I bring him a body."

Hayami had seen the quirk on the list, 'endless weapons'. From their information, the target could create weapons out of thin air, but she didn't think that was it. In any case, she wanted it.

"There you are," she murmured, spotting the loud mouthed man backed into a corner by a small group. She pulled out her legs, descending the wall slowly above their heads.

"Let's kill this bitch," the leader of the group said, to a chorus of agreements.

Hayami blocked the way out of the alleyway and spoke. "If you want him dead, why not let me have him?"

The group turned, but all they could see was her outline, and the eight legs. 

"Achlys!" One of the girls who'd been brought to witness the fun yelped.

Hayami smiled, a passing car's headlights revealing her for a moment, and her signature metal mask. "I see you've heard of me."

"What do you want with him?" The leader demanded, crossing his arms. It was mostly just for show, he was terrified of the spider villainess

"Does it really matter?" She asked, matching his pose. Her voice was cool, and slightly amused.

Behind the group, her target growled, "I'm not going with some freaky bitch." Every one of them froze, catching their breath as they waited for her reaction.

"So you've chosen death here, then."

A Spider's Tale of Love & Blood ~ ON HIATUS PENDING REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now