Secrets And Lies

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The teachers sat frozen for a moment. "How does she know your name?" Midnight demanded, staring at the skeletal figure.

"I don't know! I've never met her before!" All Might sounded panicked, holding his hands up in surrender.

"You've never fought with her?" Ectoplasm asked, seeing All Might shake his head.

"What about the boy, Deimos? He spoke about a different future, could she have seen something?" Vlad King interjected.

All Might shook his head again. "If I did, it must have been before he became a villain."

"Guys," Present Mic spoke up, "what if he became a villain because he met All Might?" There was a moment of silence as the others considered his idea.

Nezu hummed. "That is a possiblity. All Might, any thoughts?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, I meet quite a lot of people."

From the computer, Achlys spoke again. "Alright! Now that we're done skulking around, how about some hot pot? I'm sure Nezu heard quite enough from his little microphone. Didn't you?" The feed squealed as she ripped the device from the wall.

"...How long was that there?" Deimos sounded embarassed.

"Don't you worry about that, I saw that there wouldn't be any issues. After all they were bound to find out we were siblings at some point. Plus, I'd've paid good money to see the look on All Might's face when I said his name," she laughed. "He'll just have to wonder how much I really know. His new teaching position so he could find a successor, so on."

"That woman is dangerous, she knows too much." Ectoplasm warned.

"So why hasn't she done more with the information she has?" Aizawa said. "She knows about One for All, apparently, All Might's reason for being here, his injury, yet she has done nothing with it. Why hasn't she told 'the master'? Surely that would gain their trust."

"Because it's not the right time, Eraser." Achlys answered, startling them all. "And you underestimate how much we hate the League. We don't care to gain their full trust." There was a thud, then silence as she destroyed the microphone.

"Just how does her prediction quirk work?" Midnight spoke low, "Did she see us discussing her?"

Aizawa and Nezu exchanged a glance. "I have a theory, that she can see anyone she's touched at least once. When I nearly caught her at the police station over a year ago, she wasn't surprised in the least to see me. Though that doesn't explain how I tripped over her a few weeks ago."


On the rooftop, Hayami started laughing. "They think I used my sight to see them talking about us. Wait til they find out I can control spiders and use them as my own senses." It took several minutes until she was able to stop chuckling.

"Are we having hot pot?" Izuku looked hopeful, hanging the bottom half of his mask on his belt. Hayami did the same with the upper half of her own.

She ruffled his hair. "Would I lie to you? C'mon, you can add whatever you like."

Izuku looked back towards UA for a moment. "Do they have to capture us? I don't want to be separated from you."

"That won't be for another few weeks. Let's go, we can get that dumbass Dash on our way if you want."

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