A Villain

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Izuku didn't want to talk about what happened, making excuses that Hayami didn't believe.

"Alright, I won't force you to talk. It's getting late, do you want me to take you home?" He shakes his head, then stops and hesitates. 

"Do... do I have to go back?"

 She blinked at the unexpected request. "You don't want to go home? Ever?" 

"N-no. My mom hates me, she'll be glad I'm gone." He fidgeted uncomfortably.

"I feel you should know something before you decide to stay with me. I am-" 

"A villain," he finished softly. "Achlys, ranked in the top ten, not much is known about you, other than that you have poisonous fangs, spider legs, and the ability to weave webs." He glanced up at Hayami, not quite meeting her lilac eyes. "I was told I couldn't become a hero, so why can't I become a villain?"

"You want to be a villain?" She asked softly, and he nodded, but hesitated ever so slightly. "We'll have to see about that, but yeah, I can take you in. However.. we'll have to fake your death. I don't think it'll be too hard, but it might be difficult for you." 

He looked up at her with bright eyes. "I'll do whatever I have to." 

Hayami smileed and gently ruffled his green hair. "Alright. First step, we gotta make a body." He frowned in confusion. 

"Make a body?" Hayami couldn't help but snicker at his face. 

"I can do more than swing on my webs, little one. But you'll have to help me, so it'll be realistic. You have to tell me what marks are on your body, and how old they are. The less close they're looking, the better for us."

He sat watching in fascination as Hayami begin to weave with all eight spider legs, adding the various bruises, scars, and lacerations as he informed her, then improperly wrapping them with bandages, just like his own body. After three or so hours, he poked the cheek of his clone, and looked up at her with a bit of excitement. "What are we gonna do now?" She waved her hand at him.

"You're gonna go to sleep. Before you can do anything I've got to get you up to fighting weight and skill. I, am gonna put this exactly where I found you, then raid the police data base and make it so you'll be identified as my little brother."

Placing the body posed no difficulty, the blood spread perfectly after Hayami had dropped it from halfway up the school wall. She made her way to the nearest police station, sneaking in a second story window and booting up one of the computers. 'Whosever computer this is ought to be fired, idiot didn't even log out from the system.' She snickered quietly to herself

 It was childsplay for a computer savvy villain to set an algorithm that after 'Midoriya Izuku' was updated as deceased, that the boy's DNA test would changed to a familial match of hers, and his fingerprints deleted.

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