A Vision... And a Spider

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All of them froze, All Might most of all, because the boy had raised his eyes to the glass, and he was now staring directly into his pale jade eyes. After an eternity, the boy looked away. 

"That's how I met Achlys. Her sight guided her to me, and she saved me. The rest is as they say, history." He sounded bored again.

"Why didn't your parents report you missing?" Izuku merely shrugged.

"My father was never in the picture, and my mother's probably glad I'm gone, if she even noticed me missing by now." He looked up and gave a wry half smile. "She wasn't exactly mother of the year."

"Your tests came back largely inconclusive, fingerprints weren't found, DNA would crash the computer, so who are you?"

Aizawa blinked. "That's why she was in the police station. She was messing with his files." Nezu merely nodded.

Izuku sighed. "My name is Kurosawa Izuku." True

"How is that true?" The Detective wondered out loud.

Izuku scoffed. "Did you expect me to lie to you? I'm in a police station, and my sister told me what I can't reveal. So why not tell you my name."

"Who is Achlys to you?"

"She's my sister. The only family I have." True

"You just admitted to your mother being alive."

The boy shrugged. "She wondered how exactly your quirk worked. Apparently if you believe it to be true, it's true. I don't consider that woman my mother anymore, and I doubt she'd recognize me if I passed by in the street."

"So what happens now?" Detective Tsukauchi asked.

"If the vision Achlys had holds true, Principal Nezu's about to offer me the chance to attend UA in a rehabilitation program."

"What will Achlys do?"

Izuku sighed. "She said I shouldn't know too much, but that she'd come as quickly as allowed." He saw the detective's confused look. "Those who can see the future are bound not to change too many things. There are 'cosmic consequences' she said for breaking someone's future. Like..." he rolled his head thinking of an example, "telling a wife her husband is cheating too early. Catching a man who'd put a bomb on a plane. Moving someone doomed to die two inches out of the way."

"What does she use her sight for then?" 

"She tries not to, actually. It's one of her more rarely used quirks. Sometimes you don't want to know the future. But I'm a curious boy."

"Then how did you get away so often?"

"Information and analysis. Her hearing and eyesight are spiderlike, not to mention she can control spiders." While he spoke, a jorou spider crawled out of his collar and up his neck. "Helpful when so many eyes can tell you so much. This one is called Mizuki." He offered his hand and the spider crawled onto the back of it, settling neatly. "She normally stays with Achlys, but since we'd be parting, she sent her to stay with me."

"You... had a spider in your shirt?" The detective was a little spooked, jumping when the door opened and Nezu stepped in.

"Well, Kurosawa, I am indeed offering you a place at UA as part of a villain rehabilitation." The small animal said.

"I am happy to accept, Principal Nezu."

A Spider's Tale of Love & Blood ~ ON HIATUS PENDING REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now