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Izuku returned to the dorms and flopped on his bed. Not long after Todoroki knocked on his door and Izuku let him in. "Hey, is your sister alright?"

"She's fine, she just had a vision. I'm supposed to lead her to a quiet place when she gets hijacked like that." 

"You don't share her visions?" Todoroki sat on the bed beside him and laid back so his head was on Izuku's chest.

"She doesn't like me to, especially those kinds." He began to run his fingers through Todoroki's hair.

Todoroki didn't argue, closing his eyes. "I'm glad I understand you better now," he murmured.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. I know it hurt you not to be able to help me."

"You know I'd do anything to help you, right?"

Izuku gave his angelic smile. "Yes." Todoroki opened his mouth to respond, but someone else knocked at the door. "Hold that thought." He got up and answered the door, coming back with a small booklet. Todoroki got up and looked over his shoulder. "Hayami sent Jiro around with a booklet of weapons to choose from. This one is for you, I assume."

Todoroki accepted it, then tossed it onto the desk and took Izuku by the face, the same way the boy had first touched him. "Izu, I..." he hesitated, caught in his pale jade gaze, "I like you," he flushed as Izuku smiled.

"I like you, too," he replied, fingers curling around Todoroki's tie. He pulled gently, so the slightly taller boy bent to kiss him. Izuku wrapped his arm around Todoroki's neck and buried his fingers in half warm, half cold hair.

All the tension left Todoroki, he had been so worried the green haired boy didn't feel the same way. Then Izuku ran the tip of his tongue over his lower lip. He sucked in his breath, unconsciously opening his mouth. Izuku gave a soft laugh, and in the next moment Todoroki had backed him up against the nearest wall, what felt like his flames racing through his veins.

Izuku was enjoying teasing him, and pulled his tie free from his neck to see what he'd do. Todoroki shivered as Izuku's fingers brushed his throat, moving his hands to Izuku's shoulders to push his jacket off. Izuku let it drop to the floor and one by one began to undo the buttons to Todoroki's shirt.

Todoroki was almost overwhelmed, dizzy with happiness, and a small lack of oxygen. He ran his fingers through the messy green locks from the neck up, and as he hoped, Izuku nearly purred as he tipped his head back into the caress. Todoroki moved to Izuku's neck, nibbling as he tugged the already loose tie off the shorter boy. "Izu..."

Izuku smiled and slipped a hand in Todoroki's shirt, grazing his back with fingers lightly frosted. Todoroki whimpered, following his arm from the elbow and pinning his wrist to the wall. "Izu, that's so evil," he complained, his breath warm against Izuku's throat.

"What can I say, Sho," there was a mischievousness about his voice, and he leaned closer to his ear, "I like to tease you." He nipped Todoroki's earlobe, which he put a stop to by turning his head and occupying Izuku's mouth. Izuku let him for a while, then pulled back and looked up at him. "You're mine, Shoto, until you say otherwise."



AN: There's a bonus chapter in my story 'My Hero Academia Mini's: SToL&B Tododeku for those who want to see what Bakugo actually walked in on! https://www.wattpad.com/1012525285-my-hero-academia-mini%27s-stol-b-tododeku

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