Lessons To Be Learned

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Todoroki came out of the dorm and made a face at his father. Endeavor crossed his arms and opened his mouth to speak.

"Ew, what are you doing here?" Izuku reappeared, slinging his arm over Todoroki's shoulder. "I thought I smelled flaming trash." The dual haired boy snorted with laughter and covered his mouth.

"You should learn to be more respectful, boy," Endeavor growled. "Shoto, come here."

"Respect isn't demanded. It's earned. And you haven't earned shit from me." Izuku gave the pro hero a cool look.

"Now, now, Izu, behave." Hayami had a tray of sweets in her hands and was offering them to each of the parents.

"Zuzu, here." Todoroki took one of the cookies from Hayami and broke it in half, holding one side up to Izuku's mouth, who took a bite.

"Mm, did you and Sato make these, Oneechan?"

"Shoto! What are you doing, come here at once!" Endeavor barked.

"No?" Todoroki raised an eyebrow. "I'm fine just where I am."

Tokoyami's mother accepted a cupcake from Hayami's tray. "Is it true you and young Kurosawa are villains?"

"Currently in reform," she smiled in response. "If you don't believe it, ask Endeavor. We did put him in the hospital for... how long was it, Izu?"

"Two months." He laid his head on Todoroki's shoulder, giggling softly. 

The dual haired boy wrapped his arm around Izuku's waist. "It's such a shame it wasn't longer... or permanent."

"Oof! Shochan, that's so mean!" Izuku fed Todoroki his half of the cookie, nearly cackling with amusement.

"Shoto-kun," Hayami sounded disapproving, but was clearly holding back her own laughter. "You shouldn't say that... to his face, anyway."

"You two are the villains that attacked me?! Get away from my son!" Endeavor balled his fists, almost visibly swelling with indignation and rage.

"I don't think I will."

"I don't think I'll let my boyfriend go," Todoroki kissed Izuku, then turned to his father and shrugged. "I'd be lonely without him."

"Oh no, I did not raise you to be this way, come here! NOW!" He tried to grab Todoroki, but found himself blocked by Hayami.

"Sorry, but as a teaching assistant, I can't have you manhandling the students in my care," she was smiling, but in that way that would set off most people's self preservation instinct. Which Endeavor clearly lacked, because he tried to backhand her and reach for Todoroki.

"Do not- Ugh!" She had thrown him to the ground with one leg, the tray of desserts still perfectly balanced.

"You can't seriously believe I'd allow you to harm him in front of me, do you? Did you forget the reason we attacked you in the first place?"

Endeavor wiped blood from the corner of his mouth. "You said it was for that worthless Touya."

"Touya?" Todoroki gave Izuku a confused look.

"Your eldest brother isn't actually dead, Shochan. He's a villain. He told us what happened to him, what Endeavor did to him. So we decided the flaming trash bin deserved a lesson. It appears he didn't learn it well."

"Perhaps another is necessary," Hayami handed the tray off. "How's this, End-bitch? A proper fight, livestreamed for the whole country to see. No, the whole world. Win, Dei and I will go to jail properly. Lose, and you swear never to lay a hand on any of your children again. With the condition that if you do, Deimos and I have free go to kill you... in the same way our father died."


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