The USJ Attack - Morning

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It was the morning of the attack, and Nezu had just popped in to ask Hayami and Izuku to stay behind while the other students went off to training. Aizawa caught Hayami's worried look after him.

"What do you need Principal Nezu," she asked, the both of them following the large mouse down the hall after they had changed clothes.

"I wanted to get a more in depth look at the quirks you two have. They're very interesting, Kurosawa, I understand you chose your quirks to mesh with Kurosawa-sensei's?"

"Somewhat, sir. Sharing Power is absolutely to support her Siren's Song, and I chose Super Strength to match with her own above average power. Deadshot was because she first trained me in knives, and I didn't want what she taught me before I recieved my quirks to be... forgotten, I guess."

"Kurosawa-sensei, I heard you removed your quirk cancelling cuff because it interferred with your vision?" Nezu looked at her bare wrist.

"No, it was utterly useless except for cancelling Endless Weapons. I saw it wasn't able to track our location and Izuku hacked his, so I decided we didn't need them."

"What qualifies for your Endless Weapons?" The principal was leading them towards Ground Beta.

"Anything I can use as a weapon." Hayami flicked her hand and a playing card appeared between her fingers. "I just need to absorb one, and then I have to pull it from bare skin, but the size doesn't matter." She swept her arm out and she was holding a long titanium bo staff. "It doesn't matter if it's original purpose is as a weapon, either. If I can think of a use for it, I can absorb it." The bo staff was gone and in her hand was a red Beats Pill wireless speaker.

They arrived at Ground Beta, where Class 1-B was waiting with their homeroom teacher, Vlad King. "Today you'll be facing off against the Class 1-A teacher's assistant and her little brother," Vlad was saying.

"Come now, don't give us such a boring intro, your students should know exactly who they'll be facing." He turned and glared at Hayami, who ignored him and stood in front of the class. "Allow me to introduce us properly, I am Achlys, and this is Deimos." As one, they pulled out their silver and gold masks and fixed them to their faces. "And today, we're going hunting."

It was a beautiful effect until Nezu said, "Ah, I wanted to see Kurosawa-sensei go up against the entire class alone first, actually." 

Izuku groaned. "C'mon, Principal, don't ruin the drama, it was so good!"

Hayami laughed and ruffled his hair. "Sometimes that happens. So, exactly how are you testing my abilities, Principal?"

Monoma cut in. "Like you're actually the villain duo Achlys and Deimos. Class 1-A really let the two of you in? Sounds like their judgement is going down the drain!"

Hayami's eyes turned black as she stared him down. Monoma quieted under the look, then his expression became horror as with a horrible cracking, ripping sound, each pair of blood dripping legs began to slide out of her ribs. She stepped forward and bent down next to his ear, the other students backing away.

"You were saying?"

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