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My phone wouldn't stop ringing, and it's driving me insane. I just want to sleep, but no. Someone has to call me over and over and over again. It's annoying as fuck.

"Hello ?" I grumble annoyed. I didn't bother looking at the caller ID. I don't care who it is. I just want them to stop calling so I can fucking sleep.

"You left ?!" Harry hissed. He sounded pissed.

"Yes." I sigh. "Just for a few days. I'll be fine." I'm debating if I want to hangup or not. I decide against it.. For the moment.

"Do you not understand your in danger ?!" He yelled. I flinched at his tone. I took a deep breath and he continued. "Get your arse back here ! Now ! I need to protect you." He whispered the last part.

"Harry," I start. "I'll be fine. I promise."

"I will come get you." He threatens.

"Bye." I say with an eye roll. I hang up and set my phone down. I love that Harry cares, but I'll be fine. It's just for 2 days. Starting today. I'll leave the day after tomorrow.

I sigh as I deicide it's time to get up. I walk into the bathroom of the cheap motel room I rented. I quickly do my business before washing my hands. I brush my teeth, and that's when my phone began ringing again.

It was Ade.

"Hey." I answer.

"Anna's missing." She says quietly.

"What ?" I sputter out.

"She's missing !" She wails.

"Okay." I sigh. "Calm down. This is Anna were talking about. She left for 2 weeks and didn't tell anyone. I'm sure she'll be fine." Ade let's out air she was holding in.

"Yeah," She sighs. "I'm sure you're right."

"I'm going now." I say softly.

"Bye." The line goes dead and I let out a sigh. I finish getting ready before grabbing my purse, keys, and phone.

Time to go find some food.

Harry's POV

She left. She went somewhere without my knowing. She just got in her car and fucking left. Knowing full well she's in danger. She could be murdered, and I wouldn't be able to save her.

"Where's Princess ?" Roxy raised a brow. "You guys are always up one anothers arse." I didn't tell her. I haven't told anyone.

"She left." I wipe my face. Roxy's breath hitched as she looked up at me with furious eyes. Who can blame her ? Roxy has put her life on the line for a girl she doesn't like. She hates Jenny.

"That bloody bitch." She growled. Here comes a Roxy rant. "Who the fuck does she think she is ?! So many people put their life on the line for her ! That spoiled bitch ! Does she not realize people want her dead ?! That dumb bitch ! How can you stand her ?!"

"Enough." I finally interrupt. "I love her." I've never really admitted it to someone else, and it feels amazing.

"You stupid son of a bitch." Roxy hisses. "I told you not to get attached !" She picks up the telly remote and throws it at me. I quickly duck. "You never know what's going to happen !" She picks up a book and throws it at my head. I duck, once again. "People will turn on you, because of her !" She plops down onto the couch and burries her hands into her hair. "This girl is making a mess of everything."

"Roxy, everything will be okay." I sigh.

"Until she meets her real brother." Roxy groans. "She'll be more curious. She'll put us in danger." She shakes her head. "I have to go." She quickly leaves my house and my phone starts ringing.

"Hey, dad." I answer bitterly.

"She's taken care of." Then the line goes dead.


I love this story so much. I have so many plans for it. ❤ I'm extremely sick also. So sorry if the chapter is crap.

Question of the week;

How old are you ?

My answer;

I'm 16, but turn 17 in 2 months.

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