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"I don't understand why Harry would want someone like her." I heard Anna whisper to some girl next to her at the lunch table. I think her name is Zoey. She has long black hair and piercing blue eyes. "Just look at her. She is so ugly."

"Seriously Anna." Ade sighed. "First of all, everyone can hear you. You're not slick. Second of all, you just need to get over yourself. So what, you and Harry had a thing. It's over now. He clearly moved onto something better. If you can't accept it, you need to leave." Anna huffed before standing up, Zoey following. They left the cafeteria and Ade, and Karma turned to me.

"Harry and Anna ?" I asked with raised brows.

"It was just before you got here." Karma dishes. "They were together then Harry just called it off, then you showed up to the school. "

"The day Harry broke up with her, Anna went to his house to see what was going on." Ade continues. "She caught the little creep staring at you." My eyebrows furrowed. "You know since, your neighbors."

"I didn't know Harry was the boy next door." I laugh lightly.

"You do now." Karma says nodding.

"That's why she's been so jealous of you. Then when Harry called you this morning, that was when she had it." Ade explains. "Karma, tell her what you told me."

"She, like, direct messaged me on twitter, wishing sickness upon you." Karma says. "Who does that ?"

"Assholes." I answer with a laugh.

"Anna is so jealous of you. It's annoying." Ade says. "You know what we should do." She paused. "We should get back at her."

"How ?" I ask.

"Anna doesn't use tampons, she uses these really big pads. The first thing we could do is take them from her, write Property of Anna McKnight then put them up all around the school." Ade explains. "Then we can move onto phase 2."

"What's phase 2 ?" I ask.

"You'll see." She grins evilly. "Karma and I will do that part. Come on. She keeps her pads in her locker." We all stood up and rushed out of the room. We walked down the hall, and to the stairs. Since Anna's locker is on the 3rd floor. As soon as I turned the corner to go up the stairs, I bumped into a hard chest.

"Kitten." Harry sighed at he brings his finger up to trace my jaw. He looked absolutely distraught. His hair was a mess because he ran his hands through it to much. His green eyes were dull and drained. "You never texted me. I missed you."

"Look, Harry." I start, backing away from him. "I'm really busy, and have things to do."

"Really busy." Ade agrees.

"Lots of stuff to do." Karma hums.

"You smell like cigarettes." Harry said crinkling his nose. "I like your normal scent better. Coconut with a hint of flowers."

"That's really creepy that you remembered my scent." I tell him. "You do live up to your part."

"What's that ?" He asked slightly confused.

"The creepy boy next door." I tell him. His lips part in shock.

"We better go." Ade says tugging me away from Harry. "We have things to do."

"Later, creep." Karma says as we run up the stairs. When we reach the locker, Ade puts the code in. It swings open with ease and we grab all the pads that she had. We closed her locker again and we went to the girls bathroom. We walked into the biggest stall and locked it.

"Jenny, you write." Ade says as she starts unwrapping them. She hands them to Karma as I write down what I was supposed.

"She's going to be so embarrassed." Karma snickers. "Where are we going to hang them ?"

"Wherever we want." Ade answers. "She'll stop being some jealous asshole." When we finished we exited the stall and skipped out of the bathroom. "Who keeps this many pads in her locker ?"

"15 does seem like it would take up a lot of room." I agree. "At least we have a lot to put up." The other girls nod as we stick them up on the walls, doors, and lockers.

"Jenny ?" Louis' voice asked from behind. I twirled around and he eyed me. "What are you doing ?"

"Teaching someone a lesson." I say tauntingly. "She's going to be so embarrassed. Maybe she'll move schools."

"This doesn't sound like you." He frowns.

"Oh, Lou." I laugh. "You act like you know me. You have no idea what I'm capable of." I look at my friends to see them waiting for me at the end of the hall. "Later." I walk away from him and catch up with my friends. We finish placing the pads on the walls and we admire our work.

"This'll teach her." Ade says.

"Hell yeah." I grin devilishly. The bell rings and we watch students pouring into the hallway. Laughing, and taking pictures of the pads.

"We'll go start phase 2." Ade tells me. "We'll text you when we're done." I nod and she pecks my cheek. Karma did the same to my other before they both walked away. I was about to walk to class when shivers went down my spine. That only meant one thing.

Harry was watching me.

I turned around and that's when I saw his dull eyes. His hand reaches in my bag and he pulls out the cigarette from this morning. He breaks it half and tosses it aside. "I have to go." I say attempting to walk past him, but my attempt was unsuccessful as he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall.

"You're being awfully mean today." He whispers. His minty breath fanned across my face. He leaned his forehead on mine. "I don't like it that much. Neither does Louis. And Christa misses you already." My heart clenched when he mentioned Christa's name.

We've gotten close during the time I spent here, and as soon as everything goes wrong, I toss her to the side.

She did know. She's part of Harry's group. You hate them. My subconscious reminded me. She lied to you. She knew things about you, that you didn't know.

Harry nudged my nose with his, breaking me out of my thoughts. He began to lean in and every fiber in my body was telling me to stop him. But I didn't. I let him lean in. I was going to let him kiss me until an old lady pulled us apart.

"No kissing in the halls." She glared. Harry cursed under his breath as I smiled gratefully at her.

"Thank you." I tell her. "You just stopped me from doing something I would regret." With that, I walked away from a hurt Harry.

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