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I grinned as Christa's brown hair comes into view. She smiled brightly at me before standing in line to order her coffee. As I waited patiently for her to sit with me, I observed the coffee shop.

Mostly teenagers were here.

"Hey." Christa smiles at me as she sits down. "We haven't seen each other in forever."

"I know." I pout playfully. "I was starting to miss my little Mexican." She rolled her eyes playfully before leaning her chin on her hand. She let's out a sigh before closing her eyes. "What's wrong ?"

"Zayn and I are having some issues." She frowns. I watch a tear fall from her eye, and my heart breaks. "I don't know what to do."

"Christa," I start softly. I take her hand in mine and squeeze lightly. "Let's go somewhere else to talk." She nods and I immediately grab her hand. I pull her out of the crowded shop and towards my car. "Tell me what happened." I say once we're safely in the car.

"I'm pregnant." She wails. "A-and he doesn't want t-the baby. He wants me to g-get rid of it. I-I can't a-abort my baby." Tears stream down her face, and I wrap my arms around her. "He said t-that if I d-didn't, he'll leave m-me. I love h-him so much. I c-can't lose him, but I-I can't l-lose my baby." I rub her back softly.

"It's okay." I coo. "I'm here for you."

"W-what do I do ?" She questions as she tries to calm down.

"Christa, this isn't my choice. I can't tell you what to do, but I will give you my opinion." I tell her. "Do you want the baby ?" She nods. "There you go. If Zayn can't accept that, he's not for you. There's other fish in the sea, Zayn just happens to be the wrong fish."

"I can't raise the baby on my o-own though." She hiccups.

"I would never let you raise him or her alone. I'll always be there for you. No matter what. I'll help you in anyway I can. We can even get our own apartment if you want. Zayn might even wake up from his little world, and want to be in his or her life."

"I l-love you."

"I love you more." I smile. We sit there for awhile, with my arms around her. When she stopped crying, I asked a very important question. "How far along are you ?"

"8 weeks." She smiles softly. "I already know the sex."

"Boy or girl ?" I ask with excitement running through me. I was extremely excited. Of course, it is bad timing, but over all, I can't wait.

"Girl." She squeals. I grin largly as I take in the information. "I'm so excited."
"You need to talk to Zayn." I tell her. "Tell him that if he loves you, he'll have this baby with you. If he ends it, we'll go apartment shopping. Okay ?" Christa nods before smiling at me.

"Thank you so much." She tells me. "You're going to be the best aunt ever." Oh. My. God. I'm going to be an aunt ! "I want to name her Beatrice."

"That's a beautiful name." I grin happily. "Where did you park ?"

"Around the corner." She says. "I'll call you."

"You better !" I yell as she gets out. She laughs as she jogs away from me. I sake my head and start my car, heading back to Harry's. When I saw his car gone, I furrowed my eyebrows. I pull out my phone, ready to text his ass.

To Harold:
Where are you ??

I hit send and got out of my car. I headed inside Harry's house, unlocking the door with my key, and kicked off my shoes. I sat on the couch and stared at my phone, waiting for a reply.

From Harold:
Out with Zayn. Are you home ?

To Harold:
Yes. Zayn needs to go home. Him & Christa need to talk.

I kick my feet up, and sigh.

From Harold:
Be back in 20.

I set my phone on the coffee stand and lean my head on the armrest. I wanted to wait for Harry, but I'm so tired.

I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. Falling into a deep sleep.


So that happened. Sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. I have a lot of shit going on.

Question of the week:

If you go to school, are you on spring break ?

My answer:

Yesssss. I just hope it's a good one. Last year, I crashed my grandma's car...

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