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Jenny's POV

A loud, obnoxious beeping sound woke me. I groaned slightly before opening my eyes. When I saw the white ceiling, and blue curtain, everything came rushing back.

I was angry. Angry at Harry, and myself.

I was angry at Harry, because he was supposed to be home hours before the attack happened, and he wasn't. I have no fucking clue where the asshole is. I was angry at myself, because I was a stereotypical girl, and called her... whatever Harry is to me...and not the police.

I sigh lightly before attempting to sit up. I hiss in pain as my fresh wounds sting. "Fuck." I groan. I press the button on the remote that makes my bed go up, then I press the one to call the nurse. A lady with blonde hair smiled as she walked in.

"Good evening." She hums.

"Evening ?" I ask, slightly groggy. "What happened ?"

"Well," She starts. "You were brought in around 3 in the morning with 2 stab wounds. You were taken into surgery, and now it's 7:23. Your family has been notified, and your boyfriend is here." I clenched my jaw.

"Send him in."

Harry's POV

I was frightened to confront her. What if she hates me now ? What if she is going to die, and they are letting me say goodbye ?

This is all my fault.

I should've been there. I should've gone home when I told I would be. I should've been a good boyfriend.

Is she even my girlfriend ? We've never made it official.

I want to make it official. I want to tell everyone that Jennifer Caven is the love of my life, and that I would do anything for her. I love her so much, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make up for letting her get hurt. I promised I would never let her get hurt.

I broke my promise.

I clenched my jaw before shaking my head. When I saw her door, I stopped. I'm so scared to see her. What if she rejects me ? What if she never wants to see me again ? Or worse. What if this experience makes her go to her parents ?

I would never forgive myself.

I took a deep breath before letting my hand touch the cold metal handle. My palms felt sweaty as I gripped it. Time felt frozen, and I wasn't sure if my life was a risk.

This can go a few different ways.

One, she hates me forever, and tells me to get lost. Two, she blames me so much, that her anger takes over, and she loses control. Three, all is forgiven. Or four, she wants me more, because she's scared.

I really hope it's four.

When I finally pushed the door open, I fanned confidence. I slowly walked in and closed the door behind me. Jenny looked over towards the window as I walked over to the bed. I grabbed her hand to hold it with mine as I sat in the chair next to her.

"Don't touch me, Harry." She moved her hand away and didn't look at me.

"I'm sorry."

"No, just stop." She sat up in her bed and looked at me. "I'm sick of having secrets kept from me, I'm sick of being the problem in this situation, I got stabbed for fuck sakes. How the fuck do you explain these stab wounds?! Huh Harry?! HOW?" She winced in pain.

"Stop, please."

"No, leave me alone. I'm done with all of this bullshit, I'm so fed up, I dont know my real parents, my best friend is pregnant, and you, well... You just like to sit at a god damn bar with Zayn and get drunk off your ass, you didn't come home Harry, I could of died!" She was losing it, and it was all my fault.

"Please, stop babe, please this isnt good for you."

"I'm not done Harry, I'm utterly pissed off, I hate this so much. I'm so sick of being in this life, I want it to be normal, not fucked up where I have to keep secrets from friends and be stuck in this group of kids who have kept things from me and dragged me through hell, and know more about my life than I do. I'm done, I'm giving up" she began crying, so I went to hold her.

"Get the hell off of me." she whispered while pushing me away.

"Jenny please, please just listen to me, I love you ok, and I'll do anything to make sure you are safe, this time I fucked up and I'm so sorry ok? But I love you and you have no idea how much I do. So please forgive me, I will do anything to make this up to you, please." she started crying and shaking her head.

"I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind Harry I don't know what to do anymore. I'm exhausted and sick of all of this, I'm done" her breathing pace slowed down and she grabbed her hospital gown on the chest area.


"SOMEONE HELP SHES NOT BREATHING!" Doctors piled into the room, this was all my fault, I should have never let any of this happen. I should have never gone to that bar.

"JENNY!" Christa came running through the door and I wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her back.

"DO SOMETHING!" She screamed falling to the floor as I'm literally pulling her out of the room.

"Charge at 300." The doctor said.

"Charging at 300." The other doctor turned the switch and then they did it again, nothing was working.

"Get her out of the room." The doctor pointed to Christa. I pulled her out and we sat in the hall crying while doctors walking all around us, the last thing I saw was the door closing.

30 minutes later

"Mr. Styles?" The doctor asked walking out of the room.

"Is she ok?"

"She is stable, but not awake, we put her on medicine that makes her get a good night sleep, you can see her if you'd like." I nodded pulling Christa with me to the room.

"Thank you" we walked into the room and sat on each side of her.

All I could think of was talking to her even if she couldn't hear me, but I had so much to say and so much time to give to her to make up for what I did. She deserved the world, and I should have known but I was so stupid to not notice that she needed more of my attention, she needed more of my love, she needed me most importantly.

"I failed her." I whispered while kissing Jennys hand.

"No you didnt, we do things and learn from our mistakes, you did mess up but its not the end of the world Harry. Look at me, Zayn and I never meant for this pregnancy to happen, but it did, and we did everything right, but some things just happen. It's gonna be ok, she loves you so much Harry its crazy, she will forgive you, trust me, she will, I just know it" Christa smiles while reaching over to grab my hand.

"Thank you. What are you gonna name it if its a girl or boy?"

"Its a girl, and Beatrice, its gonna be Beatrice" she smiles up at me.

"We should stay the night here, just incase she wakes up, she will need someone here with her." Christa nodded and sat in the comfy chair in the other side of the bed holding Jenny's hand.

"I love you." I whispered before kissing her on her head.

After a while Christa fell asleep, and so did I.


I would like to thank my lovely cousin for writing this chapter. She's truly amazing. Love you to the moon & back cousin.

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