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I turn my alarm clock off and groan. I rub my eyes and sit up. I showered last night, so all I have to do is choose a outfit, do my hair, and makeup. Then I'll be done.

I slowly walked over to my closet and slide the mirrors over. I flip through my clothes until I come across my see through lace blouse with crosses on it. I quickly pulled off my oversized tee and grab a black sports bra. I pulled it on over my bra and then buttoned my blouse up. Next, I look through my bottoms. I pull out my casually ripped blue jean shorts with a brown belt. I pull out my black leather high heel ankle boots.

I walked into my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste off the counter. I quickly brush my teeth before grabbing my brush and running it through my hair. I decided to keep my hair to my natural waves this morning. I grab my makeup bag and put on mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. I didn't feel like adding anything else.

I leave my bathroom and grab my phone off of my nightstand. I click the home button and saw I have 30 minutes before school started. I also had a text from Sophie.

From White girl Sophie:

Become a pimp there. You'll make money fast.

I chuckle at the text. This is why she's my best friend. She sends me texts that'll make me laugh when I'm nervous.

To White girl Sophie:

Bouts to fuck shit up(;

I hit send and slip my phone into my pocket. I walk downstairs and then it downed on me. I don't know how to drive in the UK. My mom and dad do, but they're at work. I could maybe catch the bus ? But I don't know where that is.

I sigh before stepping outside. I put my school's address into my phone and press navigate. Hopefully I make it in time. I probably won't. But who cares. I'm new.

As I walk down the road, a black Range Rover speeds past me. A shiver runs through me and the car slams their brakes. Making the car come to a sudden stop. I stop walking as the chill passes me. Then the car starts moving again. Once it was out of my view, I began walking again.

When I reached the school, I'm pretty sure I was late. But who gives a flying fuck ? Not me.

I pushed open the glass doors and pursed my lips as I walked down the empty hallway. "You're late." A teacher says. She was talking to a group of boys in the hallway.

"I'm new." I say rolling my eyes. I stop as chills go down my spine again.

"That's no excuse." She glares. I perk up and place a hand on my hip. The boys walk away. Some glancing back at me.

"Oh piss off." I say annoyed. I began walking again and as soon as I was about to pass her, she grabbed my arm. I roughly yanked my arm away from her and glared at her. "Don't touch me." I walk down the hall and stopped in front of the office doors. I pushed open the door and stepped up to the desk lady.

"Hi !" She chirps. "How can I help you ?"

"I'm new, and need my schedule." I tell her. "My name is Jennifer Caven." She types away on her computer. She stands up and walks into a different room. She comes back out with a stack of papers. She sets them down and hands me the first paper.

"This is your schedule." She says as she points to my classes. "Your locker number, combo, homeroom, and lunch number are that top." She grabs another paper off the top and hands it to me. "This is a map of the school." She grabs a packet that looks to have hundreds of papers in it. "This is your handbook. Do you need someone to show you around ? Eleanor ! Show our new student around !" A girl with brown hair stands up. "This is Eleanor. She's our TA."

"Nice to meet you." Eleanor smiles reaching her hand out. I shake her hand and smile sweetly at her. "Let's get you to class. Just follow me." I nod and followed her out of the office. "So where you from ?"

"Washington." I tell her. "It's on the West Coast of the States." She nods as we walk down the hall.

"So I'm going to give you the basics about the people here." She starts. "There's only 5 lads I advise you to stay away from. Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. They're bad news."

"Okay." I mumble, not really caring.

"You can sit with me and my friends at lunch, if you like ?" She offered. She seems really preppy, and I honestly wouldn't be hanging out with them because of that, but I don't know anyone else.

"Sure." I reply. She smiles brightly and I continue to follow her.

"Your first class is Jr. American Literature." She tells me. "So your on the third floor."

I can already tell today will be a drag.

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