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The lunch room was crowded when I took a seat with Eleanor and her friends. "Hi Jennifer !" Eleanor grins.

"Jenny." I correct her.

"Right." She says. "This is Dani, Christa, and Luna. Girls, this is Jenny." Everyone exchanges greetings and I opened my water. The cafeteria fell silent and I heard loud footsteps.

"Hey Eleanor." A deep voice chuckled. I turned my head to face a blonde haired boy. His brown eyes were filled with lust as he watched Eleanor, while she shifted uncomfortable.

"Go away, Chad." Luna spat. "She doesn't like you. You creep her out." Chad glared at Luna before turning to Eleanor.

"That's not true, is it baby ?" Chad asked her while cupping her face. Eleanor flinched away and I clenched my jaw.

"Hey asshole." I hiss standing up. His judgmental eyes turn to me. "She obviously doesn't want your grimy fucking hands all over her, so back the fuck off." Everyone watches in shock as Chad glares at me.

"Watch your mouth." He glares.

"Fuck you." I spit out. "Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Nobody wants to fuck around with you."

"Watch your back new girl." He glares before stomping off.

"Prick." I grumble. I take a seat once more and the girls look at me like I'm some goddess. "What ?"

"Nobodies actually stuck up to him before." Luna says in awe. "Sure, I've told him to go away, but I've never told him off."

"Well." I smirk. "I'm not like the rest of you." The chatter picked up again and I got the familiar chills, that I've been getting all day. I don't know why I keep getting them. But it's creeping me out. I never can recall getting chills. I furrow my brows and look around the room.

Nothing caught my attention.

The bell rang cutting off my investigation. I sigh and stand up. I didn't bother saying goodbye to the girls I just left. I walked to my French class, and took a seat towards the back. I tapped my fingers against the table. "Bonjour classe. Nous avons un nouvel élève aujourd'hui.¹" The teacher said when class started. "Jennifer, will you introduce yourself ?" I walked up to the front of the room and spun on my heels.

"I go by Jenny, and I just moved here from America." I say blankly.

"Can you say it in French ?" She asks.

"Je vais par Jenny, et je viens d'emménager ici en Amérique.²" I say mostly to her.

"Très bon.³" She claps. I roll my eyes and take a seat in the back again. "No Louis ?" She writes something on a paper as the door opens. A boy with brown hair walks in and his eyes immediately fall on me. He takes a deep breath before walking to the empty seat next to me. "Agréable pour vous joindre à nous, Louis.⁴"

"Whatever." He shrugs. He took a seat next to me and pulled out his phone. He taps away on his phone and looks at me a few times. When I heard the camera noise, signaling he took a picture, my head snapped towards him. He stares blankly at me as I frown at him.

"Did you take a picture of me ?" I ask with a frown.

"Yes." He answers slowly. My frown doesn't leave as he takes another. "Can you smile ?" I flashed him a smile and he took another.

"Are you going to explain to me, why your taking pictures of me ?" I ask him. He shakes his head and types away on his phone. "Okay." I look forward again and pull out my own phone.

To White Girl Soph:
This guy next to me took pictures of me. Should I ask for nudes ?

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