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"I know your there, Luke." Harry's booming voice said. A cold tube was placed to my temple and I felt my breathing increase. To think the surprise gun attacks are my favorite scenes in movies.

"I can kill her right now." Luke says wrapping his arm around my neck. "Then it'd all be over with. She would be dead, there would be no reward, everything would be back to normal."

"W-what is going on ?" I choke out. My hands pulling on Luke's arm. My question is ignored as Harry starts speaking again.

"Then there'd be an reward for you." Harry tells him. "Luke, just hand her over."

"That girl, looked just like her." Luke said. "I didn't realize it wasn't her until I killed her. Rookie mistake. This time I won't mess up. Just let her go Harry. We aren't the only people after her."

"L-luke ?" I ask shakily. "What's going on ?"

"She doesn't know." He says in disbelief. His gun pressed farther into my temple.

"Don't listen to him, Kitten." Harry pleads.

"You see, your not who you think you are." Luke says. His arm tightens around my neck and I let out a whimper. "You were originally born as Veronica Casey Johnson. Daughter of a ruthless gang leader named, Vincent Johnson. Married to an even more ruthless, but hates the dirty work, women named, Olivia Johnson. They had a child, but she was immediately taken from their care. Over the years, they became a very threatening gang. They need their daughter to take over the family business." Luke let's out a breath. "I need their gang to end, so mine can take over. Be more powerful. That's why you need to be dead. I'll be losing the reward, but I'll manage. As long as your dead."

Everything happened so fast. The gunshots, the blood splatter, the heavy body on me, the pain shooting through my body, the screams and shouts. It was all a blur. I kept my eyes closed as I wept. To scared, and into much pain to move. I felt Luke's body lift from mine, but I still didn't move. I heard Harry call for me, but I still didn't respond.

I was hurt, confused, lost, and in danger.

I felt Harry's arms slip under me and pick me up. I let out cries of pain as he mumbled about sorry he was. "You'll be okay, Kitten." Was the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious.

Cutter's blondish brownish hair was spiked up, as usual. His brown eyes twinkled with love for me. His pink lips parted as he sent me his dazzling smile. "Cutter." Ms L calls. "It's time for your poem." Cutter nodded and whipped out his phone. He sent a quick text and walked up to the front, his poem in hand.

"Your lips so soft and red, 
The thought of kissing you is stuck in my head. 
Your beauty so bright and warm, 
Shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky, 
When I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true, 
I never stop thinking of you.
The sound of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound 
because I knew I'd truly found my one and only.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever 
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm, 
Like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul, 
Baby you are my whole world." Cutter reads from his paper. He makes eye contact with me and I feel my heart swell with joy. My boyfriend wrote a poem about me. His eyes flicked towards the door as a man with a vase full of roses walks in.

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