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After the tire, that one of the guys shot, was changed, we proceeded to our original destination. Harry kept his hand intertwined with mine.

I don't know why I am the way I am with Harry. One second, I hate him. Then the next, I begging him to be my rock. Maybe it's because I fear for my life. Or maybe I subconsciously like him, but repress the feelings.

Don't get me wrong, Harry is a very attractive man. His curly chestnut collored locks sends you in a daze. You can get lost in his beautiful, jade green eyes. His smile makes you feel like your on cloud 9. Oh my god, and those dimples. They're the perfect indents on his cheeks. Then there's his voice. His voice is so deep. He talks really slow, and his accent makes you want to jump off a cliff.

"Are you okay ?" Harry asked glancing at me worriedly. His thumb brushes over my knuckles as he pulls up to the house. I simply nodded and stared ahead. Everyone else got out of the car to give Harry and I some time to talk. "Look, I'm sorry this is happening to you." I unbuckle my seatbelt and turned towards him. "I know it must be hard. You don't deserve it."

"I've been in a lot of life and death situations here, Harry. I'm so scared." I admit. "I never know when I'm going to be taken out."

"I know." He sighs. I pull my hand away from his and he frowns. "Please don't do that." He unbuckles and turns slightly

"Do what ?" I ask confused.

"Pull away from me." He says grabbing my waist. He pulls me onto his lap and sighs in content. "Don't ever pull away from me again. Do you understand ?" I simply nod. "Jenny, you're so beautiful."

"Thank you." I reply, relaxing in his arms. His embrace was so warm and comforting. He made me feel safe.

"Can I tell you something ?" He asked in a whisper.

"Anything." I tell him.

"I-I think I l-" He was cut off my someone banging on the window. I look over to find Roxy. The girl who was a total bitch to me. She yanked the door open and you could see the anger pouring out of her.

"She needs to get home now." Roxy hisses. "She has visitors. From America." I furrowed my eyebrows but Harry nodded. He let me move back into my seat and buckle up. Harry starts the car and Roxy slams the door shut. Harry took my hand in his as we drove back to my house. The ride there was silent. But when we pulled up, several emotions ran through my body.

Sophie and Cutter sat on the steps. They haven't noticed the car yet.

"Who's that ?" Harry asks.

"The girl is Sophie, my best friend. The boy is Cutter, my ex boyfriend, who is madly in love with me." I answer. Harry's grip on my hand tightened. "I'll text you." I unbuckle and pull my hand away from Harry. I open the door and step out.

"Wait." Harry demanded getting out himself. He rushed over to my side of the car and steps in front of me. "If he touches you, I'll flip." He leans his forehead on mine and my breath hitches. "You're mine. Not his. Do you understand ?" I nod my head lightly and his long fingers brush my cheek. "I'm going to kiss you now."

"Like hell y-" I began to say but Harry's lips cut me off. He lips were pressed hard against mine, like he needed to kiss me. Like it was a desire that he's had for years. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

"I've wanted to that since I first saw you step foot out of the taxi." He admitted. "I always thought you were beautiful when I saw pictures of you, but Christ. When you stepped out of the taxi wearing a white T-shirt and ripped jeans, it was love at first sight."

"Jenny." I hear Cutter's broken voice finally speak up. Killing the moment. I let out a sigh as I slowly turned my head to them. Cutter's brown eyes full of sadness. His frown was prominent. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed guilty.

"Hey." I said softly. "What are you doing here ?"

"I-I though I would come s-see you with Sophie. I-I love you and wanted to see y-you." Cutter stuttered out. You could tell how completely broken he was by seeing this.

"Oh." I say looking down.

"Don't you love me ?" Cutter asks with sad eyes.

"I did." I say quietly. "But things have changed. I moved away. We can't be together. I think it's best for the both of us to move on."

That's when it hit me.

If I was in America, or if I didn't know Harry, I wouldn't be saying this. I would be hugging, and kissing Cutter. I would cuddle him and tell him everything that has happened to me.

But I'm not. Why ? Because I like Harry. Harry is the one I like.

I did love Cutter, but people change. I've changed. I won't pretend to love him like I used to. No. I'm going to be honest. Sure it hurts him, but isn't it better to be honest and hurt his feelings, then to lie and hurt his feelings ?


I'm going to start doing goals. Okay ? Okay.

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