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"So let me get this straight." Sophie says over the phone. "Eleanor is a preppy, nice girl. Luna is an annoying, snob. You haven't talked to Dani, but Eleanor makes her out to be a sweet girl. What about the last girl ?"

"If you didn't interrupt me, I could've answered right away." I say rolling my eyes. Chills took over my body, and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

"Just tell me who the fuck she is." Sophie sassed.

"I don't know." I sigh. "Christa seems like an alright girl, but something about her gives off she's hiding something. I don't think she likes Luna much either."

"Interesting." Sophie hums. "Did you get my peanut butter toes ?"

"What ?" I ask laughing. "I was kidding about that."

"I know." She laughs. "I felt the subject change urge." I heard some yelling on her side and then Sophie shrieks. "I have to go ! The kid I'm babysitting is peeing on the couch !" She hangs up and I laugh lightly. I lean back against the roof and look up at the cloudy sky. Chills came over me once more and I frowned. I sat up and noticed the shadow in the creepy neighbor's window.

"Are you seriously still watching me ?" I ask with a frown. The shadow didn't move nor make a noise. "Hey asshole ! I'm fucking talk-"

"Sissy !" Eddie and Oddin yelled. I heard my door open and sighed. I climbed back into my window and looked at the younger boys. "Mom said you had to take us to the park !"

"Get ready then." I say ruffling their hair. They gigged before running off to their room. I pulled on my leather jacket before slipping my hands into the pockets. I walked downstairs and waited by the front door for the twins. "Hurry up !" I shout.

"Move !" Eddie yelled at Oddin. I'm guessing they're both trying to exit at the same time. When they finally made it downstairs, I opened the door and they ran out.

"Taking the twins !" I yell inside the house. I didn't wait for a response and slammed the door shut. I walked down the patio and watched the boys splash in puddles. "Don't get to muddy." I tell them. They nodded and came back to me. Eddie grabbed my hand while Oddin just walked by me. Eddie was always the one who was more attached to me.

"Do you think there will be a slide ?" Oddin asks me.

"Don't know." I tell him. "We'll have to wait and see." We continue to walk until we reach the park.

"Slide !" Oddin cheered as he ran to it. I sat on a park bench and watched the twins play. I look to my left to see familiar brown hair. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch Christa whisper to come guy with black hair. He placed his hand on her waist and she grinned.

I wonder if that's her boyfriend ?

I dismiss the thought as soon as it came. He looks so dangerous, and Christa may seem secretive, but she seems pretty innocent. I highly doubt she would go for a guy like him.

"Sissy !" Eddie squeals. He runs over to me and captured my fingers in his little hand.

"Eddy !" I shriek when I take in his muddy appearance. His dirty blonde hair had mud spread through it. His face looked like he face planted in it. His red shirt, and blue pants were stained. "Mom is going to kill me !" He pouted his bottom lip and gave me his best puppy eyes.

"Sorry sissy." He said with a pout.

"Yeah." I sigh giving in, like the sucker I am. "How did you get so muddy ?"

"Oddin and me rolled down the hill !" He said excitedly. "Your turn !"

"Yeah. Not happening squirt." I chuckle. "You and Oddin can do it. Just don't break anything." He nods and runs back to the small muddy hill. I turn my attention back to Christa and watch the mysterious guy lean down and kiss her cheek.

Maybe they are together...

For some reason, the thought gave me chills. I watch as 3 other boys approach them and immediately recognized one of them as Louis. I shook my head and paid attention to my phone so I wouldn't get caught staring. When I looked over at my brothers, and didn't see them, panic set in.

"EDDIE ?! ODDIN ?!" I shriek. I'm sure that caught everyone's attention. I shot up from my seat on the bench and rushed over to the playground. Maybe they're hiding inside. "BOYS ! THIS ISN'T FUNNY !"

"Jenny ?" Someone asked from behind me. I spun on my heels to face Louis. "What's wrong ?"

"They were just here ! I took my eyes off them for a minute and they disappear ! You have to help find them !" I was full on panicking. My breathing was uneven and my hands were shaking.

"Okay." Louis coos. "I need you to calm down. There's a stream over there, they could've gone over there."

"Calm down ?!" I shout. "My brothers are gone !"

"Stream." He said pointing towards his group. I quickly ran over there and laughter filled my ears. I climbed down the hill that lead to the stream and looked both ways. Left, no one. Right, my brothers.

"EDDIE ! ODDIN !" I scream. "GET OVER HERE NOW." The authority in my voice caused them to cower. They slowly walked towards me and my furious gaze met their eyes. "Who gave you permission to leave my sight ?!"

"The curly haired man." Oddin says looking down.

"What the hell are you going on about ?" I ask confused.

"A man with curly hair." Eddie started to explain. "He said you were his girlfriend and that you said we could play in the water." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Time to go home." I say when I calmed down a bit more. I took both of their hands in mine and started tugging them up the hill. When we made it up the hill, I stopped in front of Louis. "Thank you." I made eye contact with Christa and she looked at me blankly. "Let's go boys."

"Are you going to tell mommy ?" Oddin asked with a frown.

"Do my chores for the next week and I won't." I tell them with a smirk.

"Deal !"

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