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Ade, Karma, and I walked into our last class. The one we have with Anna, Harry, and his crew. Ade, and Karma have something big for that class, but they absolutely refuse to tell me. They want it to be a surprise.

"Anna is so going to move schools." Karma says proudly. "I don't know who she thinks she is. She turned her back on her friends." I desperately wanted to tell them that, Anna, didn't turn her back on her friends. They turned their back on her. Anna just doesn't like me, and Ade, and Karma chose me, a girl they barely know, over a girl they've known forever. It's ridiculous.

"Hey Jenny !" Christa shouts when the girls and I enter the classroom. I send her a small smile and join the girls in the back of the classroom. I prop my feet up onto the desk as the bell rings.

"Good after-" Ms Larue was cut off when the TV that shows the announcements turned on. Everyone went silent and turned their attention to the TV.

"My name is Anna McKnight." A girl with braces, a lispt, pigtails, and acne said. "I'm going to show you how to get a boy to like you." I look over to Anna to see her staring wide eyed at the TV. "First, you need to wear makeup." She puts on red lipstick all around her mouth then bright red eye shadow. It didn't look good, she honestly looked like a clown. "Next, you need boobs. Big boobs." She shows a bra that is way to big for her and puts it over her princess shirt. "But you have to make sure you fill the bra. So tissues are your best friend."

"Oh my god." I heard Anna say, absolutely horrified.

I had no idea what to do. I felt bad and wanted to turn it off, but at the same time, I felt like she deserved it. I was stuck between doing the right thing and the wrong thing. Then I looked at Anna's face, and it became clear what I had to do.

I had to do the right thing.

I frowned as I remembered the only way to turn the TV off was to turn off the tape in the office. So I did the only reasonable thing. I threw the stapler at the TV screen, letting it shatter. My teacher looked shocked. Laughs were heard throughout the classroom. People teasing Anna for that embarrassing video. So I did the next thing that came to mind.

I stood in the desk and said the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. "Freshman year, I wore a skirt to school. I ended up walking from my 3rd period to my 4th period class. Everyone saw my underwear." I smiled lightly at Anna. Everyone's attention was on me. "7th grade, I started my period unexpectedly while wearing white jeans. Sophomore year, I fell on the stairs and slapped a guys butt on accident." I take a deep breath. "Sure, what Anna did was embarrassing, but you have no right to tease her. We all went through that awkward stage, and if you haven't, then your a slut. I used to have braces, multicolored hair, and a shitty sense of style."

"She is so right." Ade says standing on the table.

"Whoever did this sucks." Karma agrees standing up. I almost laugh at how they follow me and what I do.

"Jennifer." My teacher hisses. "Principles office. Now." I shrug and Harry picks me up bridal style and sets me safely on the floor.

"I'll meet you in the hallway." He whispers. The urgency in his voice worried me. I simply nodded and grabbed my things. I exited the class and leaned against the lockers. A few minutes later Harry and his crew exited. "Come on." Harry grabs my hand and pulls me towards the exit.

"Where are we going ?" I ask with a frown. Harry ignored my question and dragged me to the exit. "Harry, stop."

"If we stop, your gone." He growls.

"What do you mean ?" I ask confused. He swiftly picks me up bridal style and walks faster.

"I need you to trust me. I know we're having problems right now, but I'm trying to save you." He says. He was obviously stressed.

"I trust you Harry." I tell him. His eyes find mine and they twinkle with happiness. His smile grows larger by the second. His dimples poke out as he continues walking. We exit the building and walk to Harry's Range Rover. He quickly sets me in the passenger side and everyone piles in the back. Harry jogs over to the drivers side and hops in.

"You just need to stay off the radar for a few days." Harry says as he starts the car. He drives out of the lot quickly and starts speeding to the last house we were at.

"We're being followed." Christa observed looking back.

"Buckle up." Harry says. I hear several clicks as Harry slams on the gas pedal. The car behind us, sped up and I watched in the side mirror as they stuck their hand out the window. Something shiny and black in their hand. A bang goes off and a high pitched scream left my lips. The side view mirror was shot right off. "Duck down." I do as Harry says and duck.

"Lose them !" I hear Niall yell.

"Fucking shoot them !" Harry yells back. I hear unfamiliar sounds and another bang from the backseat. I couldn't help the screams that left my lips. I felt the car jerk to the right, then the left, then the right again. Gun shots going off left and right. Finally, the gun shots stopped, the car slowed down, and my sobs became more noticeable.

"We lost them." Zayn said relieved.

"It's okay, Kitten." Harry coos. I felt him unbuckle my seatbelt and rub my back. "Come here." The car was turned off as I climbed into Harry's lap.

"I'll go change the tire." Louis said. I felt Harry nod as I curled against his chest.

"Everything is okay now. I'll protect you." Harry says soothingly.

"Forever and always ?" I ask.

"Forever and always." Harry promises. "I won't let anybody touch a single hair on your head. If they do, they're dead in a heartbeat."

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