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6 months later

I let out a sigh as I finished cleaning the house. "This kid won't stop kicking." Christa huffs as she wobbles into the room. She is seriously the cutest pregnant lady ever. "Sex is bad."

"Whatever." I say with an eye roll.

"You and Harry haven't even done the do yet." She points out. I shrug my shoulders. "Why ?"

"I don't know." I mumble. "We're never really talked about it. We've only officially been together for 6 months."

"I honestly thought you'd be the pregnant one." She admits. I let out a laugh. "We all sure came a long way."

"We sure have. I mean who would've thought that I'd be sharing an apartment with my boyfriend, and pregnant best friend ?" I ask with a little laugh.

Yeah, Harry asked me to be his girlfriend. While I was still in the hospital. While I was out walking with my nurse, he decorated my room with flowers, balloons, and fake candles. He had a whole meal set out of the two of us, and buy the end of the night, he asked me to be his.

"Listen , I know I'm a pain in the ass , and I've dragged you through hell, and back. But I love you." Harry says as he runs a hand through his hair. "I love you so fucking much. I'd do anything for you. I mean, I got us a house in Seattle, Washington, USA, for crying out loud. If that doesn't prove that I'll go to any measure, because I love you, I don't know what would. I'd do so many things for you. I want to start a life with you, and hopefully a family when your ready. But, of course, we have to be in a proper relationship for this to happen. So, will you be my girlfriend ?" Harry asked.

Harry was never good when it came to his speeches, but I think that's what made them so perfect. What made him so perfect. So, by the end of his speech, I was in tears.

"Why are you crying ?" Harry panicked. "Did I do something wrong ? I'll try again, of you want !"

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