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I shiver as the cold runs through my body. I look around the dimly lighted room. I blew out a breath of air and watched my breath appear in front of me. I ran my hands over my arms, even though my fingers were numb from the cold.

The light only lit half the room, and even then it wasn't much. Half the room was dimly lit, the other half was pitch black.

On the light side there was a window. It showed a city setting. Speeding cars, large buildings, busy people. I banged on the window with all my might. I called for help. But nothing happened.

Something was off about this environment. Something inside me was telling to me to get out. That I was in danger. That there was something lurking in the shadows. Waiting to get me.

I don't know what it was, but it wanted me.

A low laugh echoed in the room. My breathing increased as I turned around. My back against the wall.

I wanted to say something. To call out for someone, but my voice was trapped in my throat as fear took over. I was scared to find out who was laughing. To find why I was in the cold, poorly lit room.

"Come out to play with mommy and daddy." A female voice sneered from the darkness. My knees trembled as I bit my lip. Finally a figure came into view.

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