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Jenny's POV

I groaned as my vision adjusted to the brightness of the room. I don't remember much of the previous day, besides the fact that I practically broke up with Harry. He even told me he loved me.

But does he ?

How does he even know what love is ? He's never felt it. His parents never showed him love. They showed him ruthlessness, anger, and power. He was taught to be a cold blooded killer. Luckily, he didn't take that path.

Yes, he probably has killed people before. I mean, he took part in Luke's death. But he was trying to save me, so it's not like he's dead for no reason. Harry didn't shoot him. Louis did, and he didn't come up to him, without knowing him, and blow his brains out.

They were protecting me.

They always try to protect me.

They don't have to. Protect me, I mean. But they want to. At first, Harry did it because he was a good guy. But sometime while protecting me, his affection for me grew.

He has told me that when he saw me it was love at first sight, but I thought he said that because of Cutter. I didn't think he actually loved me. I don't think he actually loves me. He just can't.

Yes, he can. My subconscious reminds me. You're just scared.

I sighed deeply.

My eyes scan the room once more. I'm still at the damn hospital. A knock startled me. "Miss Caven ?" A doctor smiles lightly. "Nice to see you better than yesterday."

"What happened ?" I croaked out.

"You seem to be under a lot of stress. So much that it has caused a heart attack." The doctor smiled sadly. I closed my eyes. "Do you know if any of your family members had heart problems ?"

"I was adopted." He writes it down and sighs. 

"Your boyfriend is in the waiting room. Would you like me to send him in ?" He asks. I nod my head and he leaves. Moments later, Harry entering. 

"Hey, Kitten." He sighs. "How are you feeling ?"

"Like shit." I croak. I turn the TV on, and roll my eyes. Just as I was about to switch off of the news, a name catches my attention. Anna Kibble found dead.


"Harry." I interrupt him. "Harry, what happened to her ?"

"What ?" He asked with confusion settling on his features. "Who are you talking about ?" My shaky finger points toward the TV. Harry's breath hitched. 

"Please tell me you had nothing to do with this." I cry. "Harry, please." 

"I had nothing to do with it, babe." Harry assured me. He took my left hand in his, while my right hand turned up the TV.

"Anna Kibble, a girl who has been missing for about a week, was found dead today. She was found in a park by some joggers." The news reporter said. 

"I was just jogging by with my husband, when I see a girl laying in the ditch. A feeling of dread washed over me, but I thought maybe, she just needed some help, and she was okay. But when I got closer, I could see her fully." The jogger choked out. "She was laying there, eyes wide open, pale skin, and her mouth was hanging open. My husband, he pulled me away from her, before calling the police."

"Oh god." I sob as I squeeze Harry's hand. 

"We suspect that Anna has been dead for about a day. Held captive before that. There are marks around her wrists, and ankles, signaling that she was restrained. If you have any information about the murder of Anna, please inform the police." I shut off the TV, and let out a breath. The silent tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Harry," I breathe out. "I want to get away from here. Please, Harry." Harry nods lightly.

"Yes, of course." Harry agrees. "I'll find us a place to go. Somewhere nobody will find us." 

"What about my family ?" I ask. 

"I've already taken care of them. They moved somewhere safe." Harry assures me. I let out a breath. I know I should question him farther, but I didn't have the energy. 

I know Harry. I know he'll take care of me, and protect me. He'll do anything to make sure I'm okay. 

And I love him. 

"Harry, I love you." As soon as those little words escape my lips, Harry's ringtone fills the air. He sighs, before looking at it. "Answer it."

"Hey Christa." Harry says. He furrows his brows. "They what ?" A sad expression falls upon his face. "Okay. Let me call Liam." He hangs up and takes a deep breath. He dials Liam. "Li ? It's Harry." He pauses. "It's about Zayn." Harry looks at me. "Jacob killed him. I need you to get to Christa. Make sure she's safe." He hangs up and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Why is this happening ?" I ask him. 

"I don't know, Kitten." Harry replies. "But it'll be okay. I'll keep you safe." 

"I know." I smile sadly. "You'll kill yourself as long as you know I'm safe."

"And don't forget it." Harry kisses my forehead. 

"You know," I start. "Christa has to come with us. My best friend is not going to have a baby without me. Nope. Not happening." 

"That's fine, love." Harry chuckles. "I was bringing the lads anyways." I let out a loud laugh, because even with all the fucked up shit going on around us, we can still laugh. 

"Our fucked up little family." I coo. Harry chuckles. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I know." I reply cockily. "I'm sorry."

"For what ?" Harry asks confused. 

"Being a bitch." I sigh.

"It's fine." Harry smiles. "We both have a lot to learn about this love, and relationship shit."

"Wait. Who said anything about a relationship ?" I ask with a raised brow. "You never asked me out, and when you do, that shit better be special. Don't be a loser."

"Of course." Harry chuckles. "I'll plan now."


Welp, I killed Zayn. Not even sorry. I'm sorry I took forever to update. Go ahead and burn me at the stake.


Have you seen a look alike of one of the boys ?

My answer: 

My cousin has met a Harry look alike. Then when my cousin, and I went to Wild Waves, we saw a guy who looks like Liam. 

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