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My eyes peeled open and I groaned uncomfortably. My neck hurt from laying so oddly in the seat. "Are we there ?" I ask the kid next to me. He nods before unbuckling. I do the same and let out a breath.

I grab my carry-on from the cabinet above and wait calmly to get off the plane. I pull out my phone and call Sophie. Even though there was a huge time difference, she demanded me to call her when I land. "Hey, babe." She answers immediately.

"Hey." I respond. "I had the craziest dream on the plane." I let out a light laugh thinking about the annoying thing. But I can't help but wish it was true.

Even though I was a stubborn bitch in the beginning, I came around in the end. My love for Harry came around. Our love was incredible. It was so amazing, and the words I can think of can never describe our love. The love we shared is better than words.

Even if we had some odd, and illegal, things going on here and there, he didn't give up. I struggled greatly with that, sadly. But in the end, it worked out.

"What happened ?" Sophie asked as I hurried out of the airport.

"Well, I had a creepy neighbor, even though he wasn't. He'd watch me through his windows." I let out awkwardly. "And I met these girls, who turned out to complete bitches, but one of them was cool, and we were friends the whole dream. Then I found out I was adopted. My real parents were gang members, and they wanted me to take over the gang with Harry. He's my neighbor. But Harry, and I got close, and the girls turned on me. Then I was shot, because Louis was killing Luke. Then I shut them out, and became friends with these girls at my bus stop. One of the girls was Harry's ex, and hated me. So we embarrassed her. Then when I made up with Harry, the girl drugs him, and rapes him. But I was getting texts from someone, and they sent me a picture of Harry and the girl kissing.

"So I went ape shit, and went clubbing. Came home drunk, and Tru was pissed. Then when I found out the truth, the girl went away for 2 weeks. Then when she came back pregnant, I flipped, and went to London. I met my real brother, and he was following me, so I came back home. And then Christa told me she was pregnant by Zayn. Zayn didn't take it well, and went out with Harry. But then they talked it through, and I think Zayn was happy. But Harry didn't come back, and I was alone at his house. Someone broke it, and tried to kill me. But I got away with a couple of stabs. So I was hospitalized, and Zayn was killed by my real brother. Then Harry asked me to be his girlfriend, I killed my real brother, and we moved to Seattle. Where Harry asked me to marry him. Then I woke up." I finish.

"Wow." She let's out a laugh. I hop into a taxi and give him my address before responding.

"Crazy, right ?" I ask.

"Yeah." She responds.

"At least I had a good dream on the way to hell." I sigh. "Anyways, I should go. I love you."

"Love you too." She says before hanging up. I push my phone into my pocket and frown as we come to a stop. This house looks so familiar.

The front door opens and my twin brothers come running out. The push open the gate and immediately tackle me into a hug. "Hey sissy !" They both say together. They do that a lot and it's so creepy. "We got you the best room ! It's all set up and pretty !" I nod and look at the house again. Oddin takes my suitcase and Eddie takes my backpack and purse. My sister was the next to come out.

"Hey ! She exclaims loudly. "I wanted to tell you about the creepy neighbor next door." Tru motions to a house next to ours and my eyes fall on it. It was a red bricked home. Looked like it has about 3 to 4 rooms.

Then it hit me.

My dream. This all happened in my dream.

"Oh ?" I ask. Tru nods and I blow out a breath of air. "Go inside." Tru nods and does as I say. I walk over to the "creepy neighbors" house and I knock on the door. Within seconds, the door swings open.

There stood the beautiful boy from my dream. His curly hair messy. His green eyes were filled with adoration as he looked over me. His pink, heart shaped lips were slightly parted.

"Hi." He says.

"Hey." I grin. "I'm Jenny, but you already know that." I laugh lightly. "I know everything."

"Oh ?" Harry asked shocked.

"And I'm completely in love with you."



And if your confused, yes. The whole story was a dream Jenny was having on the plane.

I hoped you like the story. I had so much fun writing it ! Stay tuned for more stories written by me !

I love you all to the moon and back.

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