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Birds chirped away, waking me from my dreamland. The sun seeped in through the fabric of the tent, blinding me. I look to my left to find Harry sleeping peacefully. His arm was loosely hung over me. His luscious curls were spread across the pillow as light snores escaped his parted pink lips. He honestly, looked like an angel.

He let out a groan as he completely wrapped his arm around me. He pulled me onto his chest and a grin overtook his features. "Good morning." He says in his raspy morning voice.

"Well, well, well." I tease. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He opens one eyelid and his emerald orb stares at me. You could tell he's still extremely tired.

"Can we go back to sleep ?" He asked, confirming my previous thoughts. I shake my head and he frowns. "Why not ? I bet everyone else is asleep."

"Cause we're camping. You can sleep. But I'm taking advantage of this." I grin. I try to get off him but his arms around me prevented me from going anywhere. "Harry."

"Stop whining and sleep." He says as he closes his eyes. I reach up and poke his cheek. "Stop."

"No." I huff.

"You're a pain in the arse." He says. "Just go to sleep."

"Your poking me." I tell him.

"Morning wood." He mumbles. I roll my eyes and gave up on pulling away from him.

"I hate you guys." Louis spoke from the tent next to us. I covered my mouth to stifle my giggles. "Morning wood." He says mocking Harry. "If I used that on a girl, I'd get hit."

"I'll come cuddle with you Louis." I call to him.

"No she won't." Harry says. "No you won't." I rolled my eyes but said nothing.

"Let me go." I whine. "Your starving me. I'm gonna die of starvation." Harry chuckled and pulled me closer. If that was even possible. His nose nudged mine and I couldn't help the little giggle that fell from my lips.

"GOOD MORNING SENIORS !" A loud voice traveled through the campground. "TIME TO WAKE UP AND WORK ON OUR SENIOR ACTIVITIES, SO GET UP !" Harry groaned from underneath me.

"Do you think she has food ?" I ask Harry as he releases me.

"You sound like Niall." He points out. He pulls open his suitcase and pulls a shirt over his bare chest.

"You sound like Niall." I mock him. "Nice boner."

"Go to hell." Harry says playfully as he watches me change. "Nice lace."

"Thanks. Take a good look. This is the only time you see it." I smirk. When my leggings and sweatshirt was on, I did my hair. I pulled my black combat boots on and looked over at Harry. He was already dressed and ready to go. I let out a little laugh as I looked at his hair. He had pieces sticking up left and right.

"Laughing at my bed head ?" He asked with a smirk. "I forgot my brush."

"Come here." I tell him. He crawls over to me and I brush through his hair with my brush. He flips his hair and I grin. "Now let's go." I unzip the tent and crawl out, Harry close behind. Eleanor was already out of her tent talking to Dani and Christa. They all found me and Dani and Christa looked annoyed.

"Slag !" Eleanor yelled at me.

"I'm American." I winked at her. She balled her fists and Dani looked at her in annoyance.

"Shut up Eleanor." Christa groaned. "If she likes them, she likes them. You just don't like them because none of them would go out with you." Christa sent me a smile. Zayn appeared next to me. "I've been with Zayn for over a year, now." Eleanor's jaw dropped as Christa skipped over to the dark haired boy next to me.

"Hey baby." He grins. She smiles and jumps into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and she grabbed his face between her hands. Their lips crash together. I shake my head and began walking to the group of seniors crowded around at a empty campsite. I stand next to a guy with blonde hair.

"We're gonna do a scavenger hunt !" The lady announced. "Find a partner and then come up to me and get a list !"

"Hey. Wanna be partners ?" The boy asked me.

"Sure." I say smiling. He nods and looks up at the table. "Let's go get the list."

"Jenny, we're partners." Harry said walking up behind me. I let out a light laugh and sent him a smile.

"I already have a partner." I tell him. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy standing next to me. "Next time, yeah ?" I look towards the boy. "Let's go." I take his hand in mine and tug him to the table. "What's your name ?"

"Luke." He says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Luke." I smile back. "I'm Jenny."

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