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"Sophie, meet Christa." I grin at the two girls. Sophie eyed Christa up and down. Christa did the same to her. By the look on each others faces, they were both unimpressed.

I shifted nervously as the two girls studied each other. "I don't like her." Sophie declares rudely.

"Soph !" I gasp. "She's my friend. I don't care if you like her or not." Sophie's eyes hardened on me. She bites her cheek as she collects her cool. She let's out a deep breath.

"If you want to hangout with her, I'll catch the next flight home." Sophie tells me. "Do you want me to do that ?" I stare at her in shock. I can't believe what she's saying.

"Sophie," I start. "When did you turn into such a bitch ?" Sophie stared at me with wide eyes. "Have you've always been this way ? Christa is my friend. If you don't like it, maybe you should go hone and lose my number. If you can't accept the people I like, I won't accept you."

"You can't be serious !" Sophie shrieked. "We've been friends since we were toddlers, and your throwing it away, for her." The way she said, her, made it seem like Christa had some disease. I could tell Christa was .3 nanoseconds from strangling her, and I couldn't blame her. Sophie was being a total bitch.

"My mom will drive you to the airport." I tell Sophie. She looks at me in fury.

"If I leave don't expect me to be back." She growls. I shrug and turn on my heel.

"Bye Sophi-"

"This place has changed you !" She suddenly yells. "We stopped texting, and calling. You told Cutter, your other half, that you don't love him anymore. You hangout with people who aren't like us. What has gotten into you ?"

"I've grown up." I shrug. I link arms with Christa and walk away from the blonde haired beauty I used to call my best friend.


I groaned as Harry gently placed kisses on my face. "Baby." He whispered in my ear. "It's time to get up and get ready for school." His warm fingers moved up and down my back. "Come on, kitten."

"Fuck off " I grumbled pulling the blanket over me, but since Harry was under it to, it went over him also. "I don't want to wake up."

"Come on, kitten." Harry sighs. "You have to go to school." I scooted away from Harry and let out a "humph." Harry sighs and scoots closer. "You given me one last option." I could hear the smile on his lips as his fingers began attacking my sides. I jumped immediately and let my fist swing at his head. He catches my hand in his and laughs.

"Tickle me again, and I'll seriously hurt you." I growl.

"You're grumpy today." He chuckles. "Get ready for school. I'll drive us to school."

"No." I say stubbornly. "I wanna take the bus." Harry looks at me with a frown. "I'll be ready at 7." Harry nods and heads to my window. He pulls it open and steps out.

"Lock it behind me." Harry commands. I nod and got out of bed. I was wearing Harry's black shirt and it ended mid thigh. I padded over to the window and look at Harry. He puckers his lips and I purse my lips. "Not going to give me a goodbye kiss ?"

"I'll see you in like a hour." I roll my eyes. Harry frowns and looks at me intently. I sigh and poke out my lips. Harry grins as he quickly kisses me goodbye. I shut the window in his face after that and closed the curtains. At first I didn't have curtains, but Harry insisted that I got some. So he bought me pink curtains. I think we're painting my walls this week too.

I sigh as I pad over to my closet. I pull open the closet and hum as I look at my options. I grab a pair of black leggings and toss them on my bed. Bottoms, check. I grabbed a gray sweater that said "Pet Cats. Hail Satan." I tossed it on my bed and went to my dresser. I quickly changed my undergarments, then walked to my bed. I pulled on my clothes and sighed.

Today is going to suck.

I quickly do my usual morning routine and look at the time.


I sigh once more and plop down onto my bed. I quickly get out my phone and open a new message to Ade.

To Ade:
Harry's driving me to school.

I hit send and waited a few moments before I got a text.

From Ade:
Ew. Y r u still with him ? He's a creeper..

To Ade:
Ew. Why do you have to be a cunt ? Oh wait.. That's just you..

From Ade:
Whatever. C u in class.

I roll my eyes and hit close. I sigh and close my eyes then another buzz goes off.

From unknown:
Hey. It's Sam. That boy who helped pick up your things that one day in the hall, and I'm also in your math class. I noticed you were struggling. I can help tutor you if you want ?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to figure out how that nerdy boy got my number. I simply shrugged and added him as a contact, before texting him back.

To Sammy Boy:
That'd be hella cool. Thanks.


Dedicated to my cousin because she's having a bad day, & I love her dearly.

I love you tons, my lovely cousin ! You're my best friend & I'm so lucky to have you.

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