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I pull into my driveway with a sigh. All the lights were out, and I'm sure nobody is home. I didn't mind that I was the only one though. I got out of the car, slammed the door shut, then locked it. I looked over at Harry's house and picked up my phone.

To Harold:
I'm home..

I was expecting for him to text me back right away, telling me to come over. I was wrong. I sigh lightly, and walk to my front door. As I was pulling out my house key, I heard a door slam. I look over to Harry's house to see Roxy storming over to me. "Roxy !" Harry yells running out of his house. "Don't you touch her !"

"You dumb fucking bitch !" Roxy growls as she gets closer. To be honest, Roxy is one girl I don't want to get in a fight with.

"I swear to god, Roxy !" Harry yells, running in front of her.

"Move, arse." Roxy hisses.

"What is your problem ?" I ask with furrowed eyes.

"You left !" Roxy screams. "We try so hard to keep you safe, and you leave ! We're risking our lives for you !"

"I'm back, aren't I ?" I sass. She let's out a growl before lunging towards me. Harry caught her and dragged her to her car. He exchanged a few words with her before she glared at me and got in. Then she drove away. Harry sighed in relief before walking over to me. "That could've been messy." I laugh nervously.

"I'm so mad at you." Harry growled. I bit the inside of my cheek. His eyes soften and he grips my hips. He pulls me into him and rests his forehead on mine. "But I've missed you, so much." I let out a deep breathe I wasn't aware I was holding.

"I've missed you too." I smile faintly. Harry swiftly picks me up, and brings me over to his house. He quickly brings me to his room and throws me onto his bed. I giggle slightly. He walks over to his dresser and pulls out his Rolling Stones T-shirt before tossing it towards me. I take off my clothes, and shoes, and pull his shirt over my head. "I'm sorry I left. I just needed time alone."

"I know, Kitten." It feels like it's been ages since he called me Kitten. "Are you hungry ?"

"A little." I hum as I sit crisscross applesauce on his bed. His eyes trail my legs before he let's out a shaky breath. "Did you buy food ?" He pouts before shaking his head.

"I'll oder pizza, yeah ?" He asks. I nod and he picks his phone up. He dials a number and leaves the room for a couple of seconds. I pick up my phone from the nightstand and send Christa a quick text. I haven't talked to her in ages.

To Christa:
We haven't chatted in ages ! Are you free tomorrow ? We should go shopping or something ! xx

I hit send and set my phone back down as Harry came back in. "Pizza will be here in 30 minutes." I nodded and he sat next to me on his bed. He pulled me into him and I smiled against his shirtless body. I felt his soft lips on the top of my head and I sighed in content.

"Is Jacob a bad guy ?" I asked. I removed my head from his chest and looked at him. He sighed lightly. I could tell he didn't want to tell me. His phone began to ring and he smiled in relief. Although, he tried to make it look like he was sorry that he didn't get to answer my question.

"Hey." He answered. There was some mumbling on the other end before he glanced at me. I was quite pissed. "Okay. See you in a bit." He hangs up and turns to me. "Everyone is going to be here in a few. I really don't want you to leave, so stay up here until they leave. Okay ?" Before I could answer, he was already heading downstairs and meeting the boys, and possibly Roxy, who are already walking through the door.

I felt my blood boil as the whispers about me started.

"She wanted to know what ?" Roxy whispered.

"Jacob." Harry replied.

"Don't tell her anything." Louis said. "It'll put her in danger." I had it. I didn't care about the lack of clothing. I stomped downstairs, ready to blow. Everyone quieted down when they saw me.

"Babe, I to-"

"Shut it, curly." I growl. He closed his mouth quickly and cowered behind Niall. Nobody messed me when I was mad. Roxy even kept her snide comments to herself, even though she can pound me into a million pieces, I would still attempt to beat her ass if I'm worked up enough. "Living room, now."

"Jenny, go back u-"

"Now !" I shouted cutting Louis off. They all hurried to the living room and attempted to sit on the couch, and recliner. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis sat on the couch. Harry in the recliner. Roxy standing. I sent Harry a glare. "Where are your manners ? Offer her your seat, now."

"Would you like my seat, Roxy ?" Harry squeaks out. Roxy nods with a smirk. Harry quickly stands and she takes his seat. Harry sits on the floor in front of the couch.

"I'm sick, and tired of you all." I growl. "I'm tired of the secrets, the whispers, and me always getting told what I can, and can't do. You drive me insane !" I take a deep breath. "I'm going to ask you who Jacob is one more time, and if I don't get a reply, don't expect to hear from me." Harry frowns. "Who is Jacob ?"

"Your biological brother." Harry sighs.

"Harry !" Louis yells.

"I can't stand not talking to her." Harry pouts.

"More information." I demand.

"He works with your real parents. Real jerk. He'll tell you anything to get you to trust him." Roxy tells me. "When he gets you in his trap, he'll give you to your parents."

"He can't be trust, baby." Harry tells me softly.

"I got that." I shot angrily at Harry. "What is my parent's plan to get me ?"

"We don't know yet." Louis spits out.

"Louis Tomlinson." I growl. "Don't you dare, get snappy with me. I will run you over with my car." Louis pouts quietly. "I'm going back upstairs now, because I can't deal with this shit anymore." The doorbell rang, and I walked to the front door. There the pizza man stood, checking me out.

"You ordered ?" He gulped nervously.

"Harry !" I yell.

"Yes, dear ?" He calls back. He knows better than to not do as I say when I'm this pissed.

"Come pay the pizza man !" I yelled as I snatched the pizza from him  walked into the kitchen.

"Can we have some ?" Zayn asks as him and Niall enter the room.

"Eat Harry's half." I growl. I grab a cookie sheet, and put half the pizza on it. I grab the box and head upstairs. I enter Harry's room and grab his pillow and an extra blanket. I throw it into the hall and walk back into Harry's room. I lock his bedroom door and sit in his bed.

"Babe ?" Harry knocks on the door when he realizes it was locked. "Can I come in ?"

"Piss off." I hiss. "Go sleep on the couch." I heard him sigh before walking away. I pick my phone up and notice Christa texted me back.

From Christa:
Starbucks tomorrow ?

To Christa:
Sounds good ! I'll meet you there at noon.

I sighed before picking up the book I left at Harry's. After about 10 chapters, I groan in annoyance. I throw it off to the side and walk to the door. I open it and sigh. "Harry !" He immediately appears at the top of the stairs.

"Yes, Kitten ?"

"Come sleep with me." I smile softly. He nods with a grin and enters the room.

Within the next hour, we're asleep with our legs tangled, and our warmth shared between one another.

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