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2 Weeks Later

Anna walks into first period with a look I couldn't decipher. "Nice to have you back." The teacher smiles warmly. She nods and looks at Harry.

"I'm pregnant." Was the first thing that escaped her lips. She smirked afterwards. It's like the air escaped my body. I grabbed my bag and fast walked out of the room. I heard Harry come after me. I heard him call my name. I heard him push the door open seconds after I did. I felt his presence when I stopped at his car.

"Jenny, baby. It's okay." He said shakily. But I didn't want to hear it.

"No it won't." I snap. "We've let that bitch get to us for the past 2 weeks. We worried so much, and I'm so stressed out. I haven't slept properly because of her. She's crazy. Now she definitely won't leave us alone. She's pregnant with your baby for fucks sake. Whether it was intentional or not. I thought it would be okay. But it's not. I'm physically drained because of her. Harry, I don't know if I can do it."

"It's okay." He tells me pulling me into his chest. "I'll make it go away. It'll be alright." I nodded against him and another presence joined us.

"I think it's best if I move in with you Harry. My parents are surely going to kick me out." Anna says with a satisfied grin.

"Piss off, bitch." Harry growls at her. "Get in the car, Jenny. I'm taking you home." I nodded and quickly got in. Harry ignored Anna's demands and got in himself. He started the car when we were all buckled in and we drove out of the lot.

The car ride was silent as we both were deep in thought.

Soon we arrived at Harry's house. We both got out and headed into his house. Harry unlocked this front door and we took off our shoes, and coats by the door. Harry scooped me up into his arms and I let out a giggle. "Put me down." I laugh.

"No way." Harry chuckles as he begans to walk up the stairs. He turned into the first door on the right and dropped me on his bed. "I got a new bed, and bed stuff. I couldn't stand the thought of girl, who isn't you, on it." I grinned and pecked his lips as he hovered over me.

"Let's go to sleep." I smile tiredly. Harry nods in agreement as he stands up. He walks over to his dresser and pulls out a black T-shirt. I grin as he tosses it to me. I stand off the bed and skip over to Harry.

"Unzip me ?" I ask. His cold, long fingers brush my back as he pulls the zipper down. I push my pink dress off of my body so it pools at my ankles. I pull Harry's shirt over my body and step out of my dress. Harry picks it up and tosses it in his dirty laundry bin.

"You're so adorable in my clothes." Harry grins. A twinkle of admiration in his eyes. Harry pulls his shirt over his head. Showing off his toned chest and tattoos. He pulled his pants off, with a bit of a struggle, but he managed. Then his socks. He tossed his clothes in the bin and jumps onto the bed. He slips under the covers and pulls me into him.

Our legs intertwined. My head rested on his chest, and one of his arms wrapped around me, while the other held my hand. "I'm sorry about everything." Harry sighs. "I've been nothing but trouble ever since I came into your life."

"I don't regret anything." I shrug. Harry kisses my forehead and begans running his hand through my long, brown locks. I feel my eyes began to droop and before I know it, I'm asleep.

Harry's POV

I groan as my doorbell rang. I carefully got up, careful not to disturb Jenny. I grab a shirt and shorts, and quickly pull it on before walking downstairs. I look out the window to see the person who caused this mess.

"What do you want ?" I say opening the door, but not unlocking the chain. Anna looks at me with a grin.

"Were you sleeping ?" She asks without a care.

"Yeah." I glare. "My girlfriend and I are. So leave."

"The baby doesn't like you with that girl." She said with venom. "That girl needs to go. You have a family in the making."

"No. You need to go." I glare. "I don't care about you, or that baby." With that I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter with my hands in my hair.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number, I never thought I'd dial again. I listened to it ring and when I hear a click on the other end, I speak.

"Mum ? Dad ?" I ask.

"Hello, Harry." My dad's bitter voice greets. "What do I owe the honor to ?"

"I need a favor." I sigh. "This girl is pregnant, because I released into her while on drugs." No way in hell am I going to tell him I was raped. "But I'm with a girl. And the pregnant girl, is crazy, and I don't want a kid."

"I'll take care of it." He says. I can hear the smirk.

"I don't want her dead. Just payed off or something." I tell him. My dad hums in response. "Her name is Anna Kibble."

With that I hang up and go join Jenny in bed.


Yikes. Harry called his parents. I know I haven't gone into detail about the whole thing with Harry's parents, but it's going to come up sooner or later.

Question of the day:

Do you have any pets ?

My answer:

I have 2 dogs. A pitbull, named Sky. She is the sweetest dog ever. & it kills me to know how pitbull's are judged off of stereotypes. Then I have a boxer mix, named Snoopy. He's a little cutie, but super lazy.

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