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I look around at my lilac color walls and sigh. I was going to miss this place. All the good memories. It's all disappearing. All because my mom and dad want a new environment. Nobody cares what I want.

I want to stay here in Washington. Not move all the way across the world. But I don't get a say.

My parents and siblings left for Holmes Chapel already. They actually left a week ago. They set everything up at our new house.

While I'm here making sure everything is good. Making sure the house is clean before I give the keys to the new owners. Saying goodbye to my friends. All that stuff. "Enjoy the house." I mumble to the new owners. "I cleaned the best I could. There might be some 17 year old stains, that wouldn't come out of the carpet."

"That's okay." The lady said. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and dragged my suitcase to the taxi by the curb. I pull open the back door and tell the taxi driver to take me to the airport. He nods and we began the drive.


I stare up at the white colored house. The yard was a perfect green and a white picket fence lines the edge of it. It was sicking perfect.

The front door opens and my twin brothers come running out. The push open the gate and immediately tackle me into a hug. "Hey sissy !" They both say together. They do that a lot and it's so creepy. "We got you the best room ! It's all set up and pretty !" I nod and look at the house again. Oddin takes my suitcase and Eddie takes my backpack and purse. My sister was the next to come out.

"Hey ! She exclaims loudly. "I wanted to tell you about the creepy neighbor next door." Tru motions to a house next to ours and my eyes fall on it. It was a red bricked home. Looked like it has about 3 to 4 rooms.

"What makes him creepy ?" I ask the 14 year old.

"Every time we're outside, he watches us through his window." Tru tells me. I look at every window until I come across one with a shadow.

"Maybe he's just curious." I say looking at the shadow. Their curtain is not light enough for me to see them. But I'm sure he can see me. "Come on." I start walking up the pathway of my house. Tru following close behind. I enter the house and my mom's suffocating perfume fills the air. "I'm here !"

"Okay !" My mom calls back. I roll my eyes and head upstairs. I look through every door until I find my own room. My room was quite plain and new things are a need. My bed was tucked away in the corner of the room with a white bed sheet set. My dresser was by the window and took up half the wall. None of my clothes were in it. My room was really big, just plain.

I walked over to my window and pulled my curtains back. My room faced the "creepy" neighbor's house. I pull open my window and look over the edge. The roof was an easy access to sit on and not fall. So that's what I did. I grabbed my phone and climbed onto the roof. I sit crisscross on the roof and dial my best friend from America. "Hey !" She answers right away.

"Hi, Sophie." I say as I pull my jacket tighter around me. Trying to keep out the cold air. "I made it."

"How is it ?" She asks. I put her on speaker and lean back on the roof, my phone in my hand.

"It fucking sucks." I tell her honestly. "I have no furniture for my room. So now, I need to magical buy some with the money my parents don't provide me with. My sister thinks our neighbor is some creep. And I start highschool tomorrow. Joy to the fucking world." Sophie chuckles slightly.

"Don't replace me with some British snob." She tells me.

"I could never. Your my American snob." I joke. She let's out a laugh and I look ahead of me. A shadow casted by the window in my neighbors house. Maybe he is a creep. "Tomorrow is about to suck."

"Text me throughout the day." Sophie tells me. "I'll make it better for you." I smile slightly.

"I miss you Soph." I say as tears pour from my eyes. "I miss my childhood house. I miss my life. I don't want to start over. I can't start over again. It's so hard to make friends."

"I know, babe." She sniffles. "I miss you too."

"I'm gonna go." I sigh. "If I'm stating over, I might as well make me mark."

"Hot rebel chick ?" She asks.

"Hot rebel chick." I confirm. "Love you. Bye."

"Bye." She says before I hang up. I slip my phone into my pocket and sigh. I continue looking at the shadowed window as I wipe my eyes.

"I can fucking see you, dumbass." I spoke loudly. I heard a slight chuckle from his window and the shadow disappeared. "Creep." I climb back into my window and sigh.

Tomorrow is going to be shit.

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