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Cutter left to the guest bedroom after that. Looking up flights so he can leave sooner. I feel bad about the whole situation, but there's nothing I can do.

I can't return the feelings, like he wants. It just can't happen. I don't love him, anymore.

My eyes fell on Sophie who waited patiently for Harry to leave. I missed my blonde haired friend. So, terribly, much. Her natural blonde, straight hair ended at her hips. Her blue eyes filled with happiness, but the 'I told him so' look covered her face. Her blue shorts stopped mid thigh and her muscle tee showed off her slight tan from when we went to California during the summer.

"Are you listening to me ?" Harry asked me. My eyes find his and I shake my head. He sighs. "I was trying to tell you to be careful. Don't accept calls from unknown numbers. Okay ?" I nod my head.

"Can you go now ?" I whine. "Sophie is here."

"I'm right next door." He reminds me. I roll my eyes, but nod my head. "See you later, beautiful." He releases me and I rush over to Sophie.

"My beautiful white girl." I shriek hugging her.

"Your white too." She laughs. She squeezes me tightly and I smile. "I've missed you so much." I peek at where Harry was standing and smiled at the empty spot. I'm glad he left to give Sophie and I time together.

"Are you tired ? Jet lag can be a bitch." I laugh. "Or we can go explore the town. There's some cute places here."

"Shopping." She answers with a grin. I smile slightly as she holds my hand. "We can find some cute stuff."

"Harry is going to want to come." I tell her. The thought of him telling me I need to stay low for a couple days invaded my mind. He's going to want to keep tabs on me. He wouldn't want me alone.

"He can drive and carry our bags." She smirks.

"Okay." I laugh. "Let's go get him." I turn towards Harry's house and began walking. I knock on the door as Sophie hums from behind me. I hear footsteps and the door swings open, revealing Anna.

"Get out of my house !" Harry shouts from behind her.

"Harry, and I are discussing out relationship. It would be nice if you left." She says rudely. I clench my jaw and smile sweetly at her.

"What relationship ?" I ask. Venom laced in my words. "Harry, baby, come with us to go shopping." Harry seemed to perk up as the words escaped my lips. He grabbed his coat, car keys, and wallet.

"I want you out of my house before I get back." Harry growled at Anna. She stared at him with heartbroken eyes while Sophie tried her best not to laugh. "Psycho bitch."

"She looks clingy." Sophie says when Harry shuts the door.

"She's psycho." Harry says as he slings his arm around me. He leads us to his car and opens the passenger door and the door behind the passengers seat. Sophie and I stare him as he waits for us to get in. "Well ?" He says raising an eyebrow. "Are you going to get in ?"

"No." Sophie and I reply at the same time.

"Why not ?" Harry asked confused.

"Getting into a car, Jenny opens the door for me." Sophie says.

"And getting out, she opens the door for me." I continue.

"Fucking weirdos." Harry says shutting Sophie's door. I grin in triumph as I make my way over to her door. I pull it open and smile at the blonde.

"M'lady." I grin.

"Thank you so much." She says in a fake British accent.

"Fucking American's." Harry grumbles from behind me.

"Fucking American's." Sophie and I mock Harry at the same time. We burst into giggles before Sophie gets in the car. I slam her door shut and turn on my heels. Harry stood by my opened door with a smile. I smile and got in the car. Harry shut my door and I smiled at him as he jogged around to the drivers side.

I couldn't help the goofy smile that filled my lips as he took my hand in his. We drove to the stores as he kept a tight hold on my hand.


I'm so sorry it took me so long to update !!!

I wasn't feeling it, but I think I'm good now !

I love you all to the moon & back !

Comment & vote please ! Don't be a silent reader !

& this is very unedited.

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