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Jenny's POV

I don't know how to wrap my thoughts around the whole thing. Everything is so confusing.

I ignored the questions of my family. I didn't want to speak to them. They don't even know the hole they have dug me in. They don't know anything. I wish they weren't so stupid.

The sigh that fell from my lips was extremely loud as I walked to my bus stop. My black boots tapped against the pavement. I shivered as the wind blew on my fishnet covered legs. My light blue, ripped jean shorts stopped above mid thigh. I was wearing a jean jacket over my white tee shirt, so I was warmer up top.

I stopped at the bus stop shed and sat down on the curb. The only other people at my bus stop were these 3 girls. All they do is smoke and talk until the bus comes.

I don't know why people smoke. They say it's to help them relax, but isn't it just killing you ? You can get lung cancer and die. Cigarettes are basically cancer sticks.

But what if it does help people relax ? I know very little about cigarettes. "Do you want one ?" A girl with blonde hair asked with raised brows. I was so into my thoughts, I didn't realize I was staring.

"I've never smoked before." I tell her. The girls laugh before joining me on the curb. The blonde on my left, the girl with blue and brown hair on my right, then the girl with black hair and blonde tips on the other side of the blonde. The blonde pulls out the pack and pulls one out. She holds it out to me as I look at it hesitantly.

"Come on." She laughs. "Unless your a pussy."

"I'm not a pussy." I growl. I snatch it from her hands and put the cancer stick between my lips. The girl on my right lit it up and I breathed in the smoke. The girls started laughing as I coughed a little. "Whatever. It's my first time." The blonde rolled her eyes as I took another drag.

"Bus." One of the girls said. They stubbed out the cigarettes and I quickly did the same with mine. I dropped it into my bag and stood up. When the creaky bus pulled to a stop in front of us, the girls got on. I walked up the bus steps and my eyes scanned the bus for a empty seat.

"Sit with us." The blonde said pulling me down next to her. "I'm Adebowale. But you can call me Ade. All my friends do." She points to the girl with blue and brown hair. "That's Karma. She can be really annoying sometimes, but we deal." She points to the last girl with black hair and blonde tips. "She's Anna. Between us, she's been jealous of you since you showed up."

"Really ?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Of course. You're gorgeous. Just look at her." Ade says. "Her hair is dead. She has a pimple. Don't even get me started on her class. She's so ugly."

"I guess she is." I shrug awkwardly.

"So you think she is too ?" Anna says. I shrug my shoulders and pull out my ringing phone.

"Hello ?" I answer.

"Are you going to school ?" Harry's tired voice asked.

"Lose my number." I say before hanging up.

"Who was that ?" Karma asked leaning over Anna.

"Harry." I simply say. Wanting the subject to be dropped already. I wouldn't say I hate Harry, but I strongly dislike him.

"Harry Styles ?" Anna asked with a gasp. I simply nodded and put my phone back in my bag. "How do you have his number ?" A look of jealousy took over her face.

"Why does it concern you, Anna ?" Ade says with a bitter tone.

"Have you guys fucked ?" Karma asks.

"Stop hounding her.  If she doesn't want to talk about it, she doesn't have to." Ade glares. Karma and Anna quickly shuts their mouth as the bus pulls to a stop in front of the school. I stood up and waited patiently to get off the bus. "So sorry about them."

"It's cool." I wave Ade's apology off as she links arms with me. Karma linked with my other arm and Anna walked behind us.

"She is so jealous." Ade says with a slight chuckle.

"It's whatever." I say coolly.

"If she has a problem with you, she can leave the group." Karma says.

"Thanks, I guess." I respond a bit awkward.

"No biggie." Ade says. "Your one of us now. We take care of our own."

"Jenny !" I hear Harry's voice yell. I hear his running footsteps from behind as he catches up to me. "Can we talk ?"

"We have class." Ade glares.

"I was talking to Jenny." He glares back.

"Well obviously, she doesn't want to talk to you." Karma says with attitude. "Beat it. We don't have time for you."

"Jenny." Harry pleas.

"Hi Harry." Anna says sticking out her chest.

"I'll text you." I tell him. Ade and Karma pull me away and we began walking to Karma's first class.

"Are you really going to text him ?" Ade asks.

"Hell no."

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