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"Tell me a story ?" Eddie asked as he cuddled into my side. He had 101.4 fever. Whenever one of the boys was sick, I'd stay home with them and tell them stories. Eddie loved it. Oddin does to, but he would never admit it.

"Of course." I say running my fingers through his sweaty dirty blonde hair. "Once upon a time, there was a young boy." I began. "His name was Eddie. Eddie was the most brave boy in the whole world. He saved Princess Sarah all the time. He was like her bodyguard."

"What did he save her from ?" Eddie asked with a yawn.

"All sorts of things." I answer. "This one time, Princess Sarah and Eddie were playing hide n' seek in the woods. Princess Sarah was hiding in a bush when a big bear approached. When Eddie found her, and saw what was going on, he sprung into action. He made so much noise, and scared the bear away." I looked down at the young boy who had his eyes closed and took shallow breaths. "Goodnight Eddie."

I stand up and fix the blanket on him before exiting the room. "Hey." My mom said as I walked downstairs. I nodded in acknowledgment. "You better go get packed if your going on the trip. You leave tomorrow morning." I sighed and grabbed a bottle water.

"Yeah." I nod. "I will right now." I went upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed my black suitcase out of the back of my closet. I tossed it onto my bed and unzipped it. I tossed everything I would need in it and hummed while doing so. "Panties ? Check. Bras ? Check. Socks ? Check. Sweaters ? Check. Jeans ? Check. Sweatpants ? Check. Leggings ? Check. Pajamas ? Check. Toiletries ? Check. Makeup ? Check."

It's official I'm set for tomorrow.


"Thanks for driving me mom." I say as I get out of the car. She wishes me a farewell and I walk over to the check in desk. "Jennifer Caven." The lady nods and crosses my name off. I roll my suitcase to the other bags and set it there.

"Jenny !" Eleanor shouted waving. "I got you coffee !"

"I love you." I laughed lightly. I took it from her hands and smiled gratefully at her.

"We all need coffee to keep up with Luna in the mornings." Eleanor chuckled. I couldn't help but agree.

"JENNY !" Luna screeches as she latches onto me. "Guess what ! Eleanor, Dani, Christa, 5 other people, you, and I are sharing a campsite together !"

"You're sharing with us." A husky voice said. I turn around to face Harry and his crew. Liam was the one to speak. Eleanor, Dani, and Luna groaned. While Christa and I stayed quiet.

"You know," I say turning my attention to Luna. "There are other people here. Like Eleanor looks pretty cold, she could use Luna love."

"You're so silly." Luna says poking my nose.

"You make me want to kill myself." I say in a fake cheerful voice while poking her nose back. Everyone let's out a chuckle except Luna, who breaks out into full laughter. "Luna, why don't you get us a seat on the bus ? I wanna stay extra warm."

"Okay !" She chirps running off to the bus.

"She's like a rash, that I can't get rid of." I grumble.

"I've never seen her so clingy to someone." Dani laughs. "It's weird."

"Weird ? The girl is like full on creeper." I laugh. "I wouldn't be surprised if she was my creepy neighbor. Watching me through the window and shit. Hell no."

"JENNY !" Luna yells from the bus. "I FOUND SOME SEATS, AND I'M PUTTING YOUR FRIENDSHIP BRACELET ON YOURS !" I shoot her a thumbs up and groan.

"Friendship bracelet." Eleanor laughs. "Watch there be a tracking device." I frown at the possibility.

"I'm accidentally burning it in the fire." I announce as I start waking to the bus. "This is going to be a long bus ride."


I watch Luna go completely mental over the fact that she couldn't text, because she had no bars. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SHOP ?!"

"Shut the fuck up." I finally hiss. The campsite going silent. Harry and his friends stopped talking, and so did mine. "There's no fucking bars. Deal with it. What did you expect this to be ? Paradise ? We're in the woods. Hike up your prissy skirt and stop bitching. You signed up for this."

"Why are you always so mean ?!" Luna cries.

"Why are you always so annoying ?!" I scream. "You complain about everything, and I'm ready to tie you to a tree and fucking leave you there !"

"You're such a bitch !" She screams at me.

"Good !" I yell. "I rather be a bitch then someone who relies on their daddy for everything ! Daddy I want this ! Daddy I want that ! Newsflash ! Daddy can't save you out here !" That's when she had it. Luna pounced on me and I fell backwards off my log.

"I hate you !" She yells clawing at my face.

"The feeling is mutual !" I yell throwing punches at her. I flipped us over so I was on top of her and punched her in the jaw. My ring catching her, and causing her to bleed. I was immediately pulled off of her by one of the boys and Liam grabbed her.

"Let me go !" Luna shrieks. I didn't struggle in the grip of whoever was holding me. Sure I was pissed to no end, but they're clearly stronger than I am.

"Get off me." I say pushing Louis' arms away from me. He backs up slightly and I cross my arms. Liam let go of Luna when he thought she was good. She wasn't. The first thing she did, was grab my hair. "Are you fucking kidding me ?!"

"Luna ! Stop !" Eleanor screamed. I swung my fist up and hit her in the jaw again. She stumbled back and it was my turn to grab her by her hair. I wrapped my hand around her hair and tugged harshly. Whimpers of pain falling from her lips.

"I think it'd be best if you found a different campsite. Don't you think ?" I asked her dangerously low. When she made no move to answer me, I yelled at her. "Answer me !"

"Yes !" She cries out right after. I push her into the direction of her things and she immediately grabbed her 2 suitcases. I watched her walk down the dirt road to a different campsite.

"Fuck." I mumble to myself. I was still pissed as all hell. "I'm going for a walk."

"Be back before dark." Dani says as I disappeared in the woods.

"Be back before dark." I mock. "Yeah, right."

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