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Harry parked the car and turned it off when we reached the school. "Why are you so grumpy, Kitten ?" Harry asked with a sigh as he raked a hand through his hair. "Did I do something wrong ? Jut tell me, and I'll fix as soon as possible. I promise." I groan lightly.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I tell him. "I'm just on my period." I said the last part quietly, but apparently not quiet enough since he heard me. His eyes widened slightly as he slowly turned his head towards me. I looked forward with crossed arms and my lips pressed together tightly.

"Do you..." Harry paused. "Need anything ?" He gulped at the end. I sigh and shake my head no. "Just tell me if you do. Okay, Kitten ?" I nod and Harry let's out a sigh. "Let's get to class." Harry gets out and grabs our bags from the backseat. He comes to my side and pulls open the door. I can feel everyone's eyes on us.

"Everyone is looking." I mumble as he helps me out of the car. I look up at Harry and he smiles as we walk. I hear his car lock and then he begans to talk.

"Would you stare if it wasn't you in this position ?" He asked. I think about his question for a moment.

"Yeah." I finally say. He chuckles and pulls me closer to him. His arm slung around my shoulders and I laced our fingers together. He held my bag in his hand as we walked. Harry never brought a schoolbag to school. I don't know how he doesn't get in trouble.

"Do you want to leave campus for lunch ?" Harry asked as he held the front door open for me. I thanked him quietly and thought about his question. Do I want to get lunch off of campus ?

"What would we get ?" I ask looking up at him as he holds me close to him. Harry hums lightly thinking about the options.

"I don't know." He sighs. We walk up the stairs to the third floor and stop at my locker. It's literally right in front of the stairs. He leans against the locker as he watches me punch in my code. "What do you want to get ?" He asks while poking my belly.

"Something fattening." I laugh. Harry grins as he helps me exchange my books. He brushes a stray hair away from my face and I look up at him. "Like a burger."

"Burgers it is." He says kissing my forehead. I shut my locker as someone called out for me. I turned to see Sam walking towards me. He pushed his glasses up and smiles at me.

"Hey Sam." I smile. "How's your morning ?"

"Better than usual." He shrugs.

"How so ?" I ask.

"Robert isn't here to bully me." He sighs in relief.

"Don't speak to soon." Harry tells the boy as he looks behind him. My eyes fall on a buff kid with dark hair and brown eyes. He was walking towards Sam with a scowl. I nudge Harry, and he sighs. He steps forward and I cross my arms.

"Got yourself a body guard, Sam ?" Robert mocks. I watch Sam look at the ground.

"Just walk away." Harry growls. Robert was more built than Harry, but Harry definitely had more powerful hits and more stamina. So if Robert tried anything, he'd get knocked on his ass.

"Listen, I'm not scared of you." Robert laughs.

"Sam isn't your punching bag." I butt in. "He's a human being, and you don't get the right to bully him because your life sucks."

"Shut up, slag." Robert says harshly. Harry pushed Robert against the lockers and his breathing increased.

"Call my girl a slag again, and I'll end you." Harry threatens. Robert laughs and pushes Harry back. Harry didn't move though, so Robert took a different approach. He swung his fist up and punched Harry in the jaw. Harry stumbled back, completely caught off guard.

"Harry." I warned, but my warning went completely out the window as Harry hit back. My breath hitched as I watched the fight occur. People circled us, and I was about to get involved when a pair of arms wrapped around me. "Let me go." I growl struggling in Niall's hold.

"Harry will kill me if I let you near that." Niall tells me. "Let me take you to class. He's going to get suspended." I sigh, but nod. Niall sets me down, and he hands me my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and Niall sighs as we walk to first together. "Harry has trouble controlling his anger when it comes to you."

"What do you mean ?" I ask slightly confused. "I'm just another girl, with fucked up parents."

"You aren't just some girl to him." Niall shakes his head. "Harry was a gang baby too. The two gangs agreed that you two would be married. But you were taken away. Harry wasn't a fan of being in a gang, so he went off on his own. Has his own house, makes his own money. He wanted away from it, but he'll never fully get away. None of us ever will be. The gangs will always want us back, and will always try to get us back." I nodded.

"So if I wasn't taken away, I would be marrying Harry in a few years ?" I ask Niall. He nods with a chuckle. "Nobody's telling me who to marry. I'm my own person, dammit."

"Not to us." Niall mumbles, I clearly wasn't supposed to hear, but I did. Something was off about Niall, but I wasn't about to call him out on his shit. I'm just going leave it.

"Jenny !" Ade yells. "Totes heard that Harry and Robert got into a fight over you. So cray." I really wanted to hit her. Why did I even befriend her ? "I wish guys would fight over me."

"It's hardly over me." I say with an eye roll. "And I'm not exactly happy Harry got into a fight. I wanted him to stand up for Sam. Not beat up someone who called me a slut."

"Ew. You mean that nerdy kid with glasses ?" Ade asks in disgust.

"Shut up." I finally groan. "Why do I befriend the bad people ?"

"What the fuck do you mean ?" Ade asks defensive. "I'm just doing you a favor. This is why nobody likes you." My phone buzzes and I look down.

From Unknown:
Just punch her already, sis. That's what mom & dad want.

I look around the room before texting them back.

To Unknown:
Who is this ?

I hit send and take a seat. A few minutes my phone buzzes again.

From Unknown:
Ask Lover Boy about your real brother.

To Unknown:
Fuck off. Don't text me again, prick.

I didn't receive a text after that, but I have a feeling there will be more. He's clearly watching me, too. If he knows about the heated conversation between Ade and I.

But who could it possibly be ?

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