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My black heels clicked against the school pavement as I walked to the front of the school. I pushed the glass doors open and entered the school. My eyes scanned the room and I instantly spot Eleanor, Luna, Dani, and Christa. I honestly didn't want to hang out with Luna so early in the morning, so I just went to my locker.

The halls were crowded with annoying teenagers and teachers. Cheerleaders cuddled up with their jock boyfriends. Stoners laughing at something stupid. Nerds comparing answers. Teachers talking over a cup of coffee by each others halls. Everything looked like one of those stupid highschool movies.

I put in my combo to my locker, and mentally thanked the heavens when it opened with ease. I grabbed a few books from it and slammed it shut. I turned on my heel and my breath hitched in my throat. My books fell from my hands as I made eye contact with a curly haired boy with stunning green eyes.

His plump pink lips parted as he saw me. He was surrounded by 4 other boys. But they didn't matter. Everything around us disappeared, the longer we stared at each other. The cheerleader's with the annoying giggles disappeared, along with their boyfriends. The stoner's crude jokes left my mind. The nerd's homework assignments flew out the window.

It was just the boy down the hall and I.

That is until some tapped my shoulder. I turned around to face a bashful boy holding my books. "You dropped these." He said shyly. It was almost adorable.

"Thanks." I say taking them from him. As I was about to walk away, he stopped me.

"Wait !" He says. "I didn't catch your name."

"Jenny." I tell him. "Yours ?"

"Sam." He says shuffling his feet. He pushed his glasses up a bit, and I wanted to pinch his cheeks. He is really adorable.

"I'll see you around Sam." I flashed him a smile before walking down the hall. As I was about to pass the curly haired boy, I noticed Louis in his group. Along with the black haired boy that was with Christa yesterday.

"Hey Jenny !" Louis grins waving me over. I run my tongue over my lips before joining him by his side.

"Hey Lou." I smile. "How are you ?"

"Good." He replied with a grin. "I saw you talking to that nerd. I can tell him to back off if he was bothering you."

"She can handle herself." A blonde said. The way he said it, made it seem like he knew something I didn't.

"Sam wasn't bothering me." I say with an eye roll. "Look, I have to go. Text me though." I began to walk away when Louis muttered an 'okay.' When I got to class the intercom system turned on.

"Pardon this interruption, but if the entire senior class could come to the auditorium as soon as possible, that'd be lovely." A girly voice said. I roll my eyes and go to the auditorium instead of class. My grip on my books tightened as chills ran down my spine.

"JENNY !" Luna's very, very, very annoying voice screamed. I turned towards her and sent a smile. A very fake smile, that is. She practically tackled me into a hug.

"Missed me ?" I ask her teasingly.

"Yeah ! Did you miss me ?!" She asked hugging me tight.

"No." I tell her seriously. She started laughing like I said the funniest thing ever. "Do you know what this is about ?" I ask her while trying to detach her from me. She kept one arm slung through one of mine as she tugged me towards a group of seats where Eleanor, Dani, and Christa was sitting.

"Hey guys ! Look who I found !" Luna exclaims happily. "Oh Jenny ! My dad got me the car !"

"No way !" I say in a overly preppy voice. When is this bitch going to get the hint ? She nodded excitedly with a stupid grin on her face. I sat down next to Eleanor and looked towards the doors. "Eleanor ? Who are those boys ?" Eleanor looks towards the boys that just entered. When she saw Louis and his group of friends, she scoffed.

"Harry Styles, is the curly haired one. Total arse. He thinks he's better than everyone else and leads his groups trouble making ways." Eleanor explains. "He's a total babe though." I couldn't help but agree. He is a total babe. "The blonde is Niall. He is the only one without tattoos. Irish. His accent is to die for."

"The brown haired boy with blue eyes is Louis." Dani says. "He's more of the jokester of the group. He's always in detention. The next guy is Zayn. He's the one with dark hair." My eyes find Christa. By the look she was giving me, I could tell she didn't want me to tell them about him. "He's really dark. He looks like the baddest, but he's not. Harry is."

"Last but not least, Liam !" Luna says. "He tells the boys if they overstep on something. He's like the daddy of the group. But nobody's actually heard him telling them to knock their shit off, though."

"We don't associate with them." Eleanor says. That may be why Christa doesn't want them to know about her and Zayn. They'd just get judge mental.

"Good morning class !" Some lady, who I assume is the principal, said catching everyone's attention. I felt someone's eyes on me and I turned my head to find Harry staring at me. "Every year, the senior class goes on a week long camping trip. Guess what ! The time has come ! The sign up sheets are up here, so sign up if wanted !"

"Fuck yes." I mumble. "I love camping."

"Same !" Luna says.

"No electronics." I tell her. "No bed. Just nature and you." Her smile falls, but she continued to put on a fake one.

"As long as I'm with you, I'll be fine."

God, please give me the power not to murder her.

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