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"We're lost !" I cry. Christa looks at me with a scowl.

"No we're not." She grumbles, not ready to admit that we have no fucking clue where we are. "We're almost there."

"Where is there exactly ?" I ask.

"I don't fucking know !" She cries. "We're lost !" I sigh and sent her a small smile. "I can't find the rock !"

"What rock ?" I ask laughing.

"The pointy one !" I laugh harder at her explanation of the so called rock.

"We'll find our way out." I tell her. She nods and let's out a sigh. "Let's go this way." I point straight. Christa nods and we began walking. We've been lost out here for hours. Chasing a bunny turned into walking around aimlessly for hours on end. We left at sunrise, now it must be around 3pm.

"Do you think they're looking for us ?" Christa asked.

"Of course." I tell her. "Do you really think Zayn would let you be gone for hours and not look for you ?"

"No." She mumbles. We continue walking for about 5 minutes before I broke the silence.

"Harry slapped me yesterday." I tell her.

"Is that why he had to sleep with Niall, and Louis ?" Christa asks. I nod my head and trip over something. I groaned as I landed on something wet, and soft. I heard Christa gasp and I opened my eyes. A scream left my mouth as a bloody face came into view. I crawled backwards until my back hit a tree. Screams still falling from my mouth.

"It's all over me !" I scream as tears fall from my eyes.

"Jenny, calm down." Christa says running a hand through her hair.

"Calm down ?! Your not the one covered in blood !" I scream. Christa sits down by me and wraps her arms around me. Blood staining her white top. I cried into her shoulder until I heard someone calling.

"JENNY ! CHRISTA !" A voice that sounded like Niall yelled.

"HERE !" Christa shouts back. My chocked sobs escape my lips as I hear a lot of twigs break. It wasn't just Niall.

"Oh thank god." Harry breathed out when he saw me. He took in my state then looked at the body of the young girl on the ground.

"They know." Christa told Harry and Niall. Harry ran a hand through his hair while Niall paced.

"What's going on ?!" I ask in distress. When nobody spoke up, I started to yell. "Who are they ?! And what do they know ?! Fucking answer me !"

"Shut up !" Harry yelled at me in frustration. I clenched my jaw and stood up.

"No." I growl, silent tears running down my cheeks. "I just fell on a dead body of a young girl, who features look like mine. Her blood is all over me. If you know anything about this, you need to fucking tell me." Niall stopped pacing as Harry glared at me.

"She's right." Niall says.

"Do you trust me ?" Harry asks.

"No." I answer. He clenched his jaw.

"Well you better learn." Harry says before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Call the lads. Tell them to start the car." Niall nods and whips out his phone.

"Let me go !" I shout punching Harry's back. My attempt to hurt him, didn't work. He just chuckled and continued to walk to wherever the car was. "Help ! Help me ! I'm being kidnapped !"

"Miles away from the campgrounds." Harry said. I could hear the smirk in his voice. "No one can hear you."

"Christa ?" I ask in a whimper.

"We're helping you." She says with a smile. "I promise."

"You're all fucking nuts !" I scream. I bite Harry's back, making him drop me. I quickly got off the ground and make a run for it. Twigs broke under my fast steps. I could hear them running after me, but I know for a fact I can outrun them.

I continued to run until I was grabbed and pulled behind a tree. My mouth was covered as someone whispered into my ear. "It's okay. I'll protect you." I turned my head slightly to find a beat up, bruised Luke.

"I know your there, Luke."

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