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Jenny's POV

"Thank you." I say as I go threw the door a hooded man was holding. He nodded and I smiled at the interior of the cafe. It's really homey and cute.

"I've never seen ya around here." The hooded man said as he pulled his hood off. His dirty blonde hair was up in a quiff, and his blue eyes was the same shade as mine. He was average height, and had some muscle on him. "You new ?"

"Just visiting." I shrug as I get into line. "What's good ?"

"White chocolate mocha is my favorite." He grins. I hum and move up in line. Until this arrogant asshole approaches the front of the line, cutting everybody. As people moaned and groaned at him, he would respond with how late he was to work.

"Hey dipshit !" The guy I just met yelled. "Nobody gives a flying fuck how late you are ! Back of the line ! You have to wait like the rest of us !" The man grumbled before going to the back. I laughed lightly and finally, it was my turn.

"What can I get ya ?" The girl behind the counter asks obnoxiously.

"White chocolate mocha." I request. She nods and sloppily makes it. I frown but pay anyways. I sigh as the scorching hot liquid drips down the side of the cup. I take a seat next to the window that overlooks the street.

"Here." The guy who was behind me said, while handing me napkins. I smile kindly and accepted the napkins. I began wiping down the sides of the cup as he takes a seat across from me. "If I knew it was her shift, I would've told you to go somewhere else." I laugh lightly at his words.

"How is she not fired ?" I ask, curiously.

"I think she fucks the manager." He shrugs. I simply shake my head.

"Thots these days." I mumble.

"Are you American ?" He asks. I nod. "I can tell because of your accent. Where are you from ?"

"Washington." I answer.

"How come you moved ?"

"I think my parents just got bored there." I shrug. He nods slowly. Something about him gives me a family vibe. I kinda like it. "What's your name ?"

"Jacob. Yours ?"

"Jenny." I grin. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"This may sound weird, but I feel this sisterly vibe coming off you." He chuckled. I grinned.

"I feel the same thing about you." I laughed. "Except brother wise." He laughs loudly and it was a delightful sound. I could never like him, but he's pretty cool. "Do you go to school ?"

"I do college online." He shrugs.

"Oh cool !" I exclaim. "I'm finishing my last year of high school. How long have you lived in London ?"

"Since birth." He laughs. "I like Holmes Chapel more though."

"That's where I live." I smile.

"My parents own a house down there." He shrugs. "They mostly spend their time there, and I come up to visit when I'm not working."

"Where do you work ?"

"I'm a stripper." He says seriously. I go quiet, until he bursts out into laughter. "I'm just fucking with you. I work at a zoo." I giggle lightly. "I love animals. My favorite animal we have there is the tigers. They're beautiful, and people friendly." I smile as I listen to him talk. He was about to say something else when my phone cut him off.

"Sorry." I smile apologetically. I smile when I saw Harry calling. "Hi, baby." He sighed in relief when I answered.

"Please come home." He pleads. "I'm going insane without you." I chuckle softly.

"Are you done ?" Jacob whispers motioning to my cup. I nod and smile at him.

"Who was that ?" Harry asked. He sounded panicked.

"My new friend, Jacob." I reply.

"Tell me bye if he looks like how I describe him." Harry said quickly. "If he does, you need to leave." The tone of his voice panicked me. He sounded generally scared about my well being right now. "Blondeish hair. Blueish, greenish eyes. Freckle on his left cheek."

"Bye, Harry." I say quietly.

"Act natural." He demanded.

"Yep. I'll see you tonight." I hang up the phone and slip it in my purse. I was a bit panicked to be honest. "I have to get going." I smile when Jacob sits back down. "It was nice meeting you." I stand up and left the coffee shop. My breath was rigid. I heard footsteps behind me, so I walked a bit faster. I pulled out my phone and dialed Harry's number.

"Are you safe ?" He asks as soon as he answers.

"He's following me." I say quietly. I glance behind me to see Jacob with his hood over his head. "He sucks at it."

"He sucks in general." Harry growls. "As soon as you get to your hotel, get your stuff, turn in your key, and have someone escort you to your car. I want you to get back as soon as possible."

"Okay." I quickly cross the street and run into my hotel. I ran to my room and gathered my shit. "I would like to check out." I tell the lady at the desk. She nods and we go through that process before someone escorts me to my car, and I start my drive home.

So much for my trip to London.


Who do you think Jacob is ? Don't forget to comment & vote !

Question of the week;

What do you think about my story ?

My answer;

I love my story ! I feel like I'm going somewhere with this one & hopefully it'll be a hit !

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