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Jenny's POV

"Baby." Harry whispered into my shoulder. I groaned and shook my head. He pulled me closer to his chest and kisses my forehead. "Come on. Your mum keeps calling your phone." I peel my eyes open and look up at the green eyed boy. He reaches over me and pulls my phone off his nightstand. He waves it at me, and I groan. I pull the phone away from him and hit answer.

"Hello ?" I yawn.

"Where are you ?!" My mom screams. "I got a call from school saying you skipped ?!"

"Chill." I groan.

"No ! I won't have this !"

"And what are you going to do, mom ?" I ask mockingly. "Should I even call you mom, since I'm adopted ? When were you going to tell me about that ?"

"How do you know ?" She questions quietly.

"Goodbye, Karen." I hiss hanging up. I put my phone on the floor and turn onto my belly. "I'm going to sleep."

"What about dinner ?" Harry asked with a pout.

"Are you cooking ?" I ask. He nods. "Then what are we waiting for ? It's like 6:20." I jump out of bed and run downstairs to his kitchen. I jump when I see Roxy raiding his fridge.

"You have no foo-" She stops when she sees me. She takes in my lack of clothes, while I tug Harry's shirt down. Harry walks into the room and the air grew thicker. "Well this is awkward." Roxy rubs the back of her neck. "We're you guys in the middle of something ?"

"No. Harry was going to cook for me." I answer, equally as awkward. I don't really like Roxy.

"Good luck with that." She scoffs. "The wanker only has ketchup and pickles in his fridge, and a bag of crisps in his cabinet. Which I'm taking." She opens the cabinet and pulls the chips out. I look at Harry and he furrows his eyebrows.

"I must've forgot to go shopping." He said with a small shrug.

"Anyways, we have business to go over." Roxy says with a sigh. "Time for you to go home, Princess. Harry, the lads will be over in 10." My frown deepens as she tells me what to do. I hate when people tall me to do.

"Go get a pair of my joggers for you to wear home." Harry said kissing my forehead. I huff but walk upstairs anyways. I pull open his drawer and pull out a pair of sweats. I pull them up my legs, tie the top, then roll the top so they aren't to long on me. I pull on my slippers I left at Harry's. I leave a lot of stuff at Harry's. I put my phone in the pocket of Harry's sweats, and turn out his light. I walk downstairs halfway when I hear whispers.

"Harry, they want her. Bad." Roxy whispers harshly. "Are you willing to risk your life for this girl ?" I assume they're talking about me.

"Yes." Harry whispers confidently.

"They haven't decided on a plan to get her yet, but you need to know, you can't trust anyone. Not even the lads. The offer her parents will make, is something that is hard to pass up." I decided I heard enough and, loudly walk downstairs.

"All ready, Kitten ?" Harry asks crossing the small space to me. I nod my head as he rests his hands on my hips. "Will you go shopping with me, tomorrow ?" I nod again and he kisses me forehead. "Get a move on then. Text me every hour."

"Okay." I sigh. I move out of his grip and and head to the front door. He didn't even kiss me goodbye. But whatever. I don't need to be a butthurt, teenage girl. I walk across his lawn and onto mine. I push my door open and my mother stood there with a scowl. "Karen." I greet.

"Living room." She growls.

"Let me go change first." I roll my eyes. She nods stiffly and I jog to my room. I pull on ripped jeans, a Disney sweater, white socks, and boots. I walk back downstairs and sit on the couch.

"Tru, Eddie, and Oddin, go upstairs." My mom demands. They listen immediately. My mom and dad's eyes turned to me. "Your behavior is unacceptable."

"Oh, really ?" I raise an eyebrow. "I think, the massive lie you've kept from me, for years, is unacceptable."

"We were going to tell you." My dad says softly. "It just was never the right time."

"They're gang leaders." I laugh loudly. "My adoptive mother sent pictures of me to a gang leader, who wants me back and wants me to lead the gang. You put me in danger. People want me dead. You've put me on a death list by communicating with those people."

"You're lying." My mother says defensively. "Phil and Erica are nice people."

"They didn't even tell you their names." I shake my head amused. "Vincent and Oliva. That's their names. Ruthless gang leaders. I was almost killed by the way. By a rival gang member."

"No." My mom shakes her head in disbelief.

"Whatever." I scoff. "I'm going out." I hold my phone tightly and grab my mom's car keys. I'm only calling her Karen to piss her off. She'll always be my mom, and my dad will always be my dad.

I quickly get into the car and start it up. As it warms up, I send a quick text to Harry.

To Harold:
Ew. You're ugly.

I hit send and almost immediately he replied.

From Harold:
Ew. You're cute.

I rolled my eyes and set my phone in the passenger seat. I frown when I realize I forgot my purse. I quickly head back in and grab it before leaving. I don't know where I'm going, but I know for sure, that I'm leaving for a few days. I decide to drive the nearly 4 hours to London. It's only 7 something. I'll be there before 11:30pm.

So with that, I start my journey. With a few stops every hour to send Harry a text. He's going to be pissed when he finds out that I left the town limits without him.


Not sure if I said Jenny's adoptive parents names yet. Anyways, London huh ? How do you think Harry is going to react when he finds out she's not in Holmes Chapel anymore ?

Question of the week:

What's your opinion on Roxy ?

My answer:

I can't answer without giving away stuff about her. Sooooo. Yeahhh.

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