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I leaned against the tree and stared at the body of water I found. I've been gone for a few hours and the sun has went down. The trees swayed as I weighed out my options. Finally I came to a decision.

I stripped off my gray sweater and stared at the taunting water. I let my black shorts pool at my ankles. I unhooked my bra and let it slip off my shoulders, landing on my sweater. My blank panties were next. I pulled my ankles out of both fabrics and left my flip flops underneath it.

I walked over to the water and wiggled my toes in it. It was kinda cold, but not to cold. I'm hummed as I walked deeper. When I reached to the point I couldn't touch, I went under water. I swam back up to the surface and pushed my wet hair out of my face. "Everyone's looking for you." Someone spoke from behind me. I turned around startled and faced Harry.

"Let them look. I'm a big girl." I say kicking my legs. My eyes scan him up and down. His curly hair was pushed back. His emerald eyes stayed on me. His pink, plump lips forming a smirk. His black shirt clung to his muscular body. Black skinny jeans covered his long legs. Sneakers to finish off the look.

"Your just gonna stay here, by yourself ?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't be by myself, if you'd pick up your balls and join me." I tell him. A smirk made his way onto his face.

"Seems a bit cold." He tells me.

"Pussy." I say going back underwater. I resurface to find Harry in just his black briefs. "Keeping your underwear on ?" I laugh. "I thought you were a bad boy. I'm in here naked. I'll even turn around."

"Is the Princess afraid of seeing me naked ?" Harry laughs.

"Please, this isn't the first time I've seen a boy naked." I laugh. "Now are you coming in or what ?" Harry pushed his briefs down his legs and he stood there, completely bare in front of me.

"I'm coming in, kitten." He grins. I roll my eyes at the nickname. He walks into the water and his grin grows. When he reached me, he immediately pulled me closer. "How are you so warm ? It's freezing in here." By his chattering teeth, you could tell how cold he actually was.

"Are you standing on your feet ?" I ask with a frown.

"I'm like a foot and a half taller than you." He said chuckling. "Don't get all pouty." I roll my eyes and he pulls me closer.

"If you poke me, we're gonna have an issue." I tell him sternly. He let's out a laugh.

"It means he likes you." He jokes. I roll my eyes and turn my head when I hear some whispering.

"Zayn." Christa giggles quietly. They emerge from the treeline and Zayn smacks her butt. "Knock it off."

"I'm bored." He complains. "Why did I have to help ? She's not mine."

"You know what she is to Har-"

"Hey guys !" Harry speaks up interrupting Christa. Their heads snap towards us and I waved slightly. Zayn covers his mouth and Christa stays silent. "Kitten and I are just taking a swim."

"Naked." Zayn points out.

"Shove it Malik." I roll my eyes. "You act like you've never skinny dipped before."

"I haven't." He frowns.

"I keep him on a tight leash." Christa says a bit proud.

"No she doesn't." Zayn chuckles. "She let me go to a strip club once."

"You just turned 18." She rolls her eyes. "When I turn 18, I'm going to a male one."

"I'll go with !" I grin widely.

"I don't want you seeing another guy's junk." Zayn tells Christa.

"I don't want you seeing another guy's junk." She mocks. "Suck it up. Jenny and I are going together."

"JENNY !" Eleanor's voice was heard not to far away.

"You should go if you don't want her to know." I tell Christa. She nods and grabs Zayn's hand. She leads him through the bushes and I turned to Harry. "Ready for Eleanor ?" Harry nodded and I took a deep breath. A gasp was heard from where my clothes sat.

"JENNY !" Eleanor shrieks. "WHAT THE HELL ?! WE DON'T HANG WITH THEM !"

"You don't control me." I laugh. "I'll do what I want. When I want. If you don't like it, well that sucks."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that." She growls.

"It's cute when you try to be intimidating." I smile.

"If you don't get out now, I'll ruin you." She threatens. I couldn't help the laugh that fell from my lips as I started to swim to shore. My toes sunk into the sand as I grabbed my clothes. I pulled on my undergarments and sent her a smirk.

"Come on Harry." I call. "Looks like we're bunking together." Eleanor looked so pissed off. Her eyes narrowed and her breathing increased. Her hands balled into fists as she glared at me.

"Jenny, this is your last warning." She glares.

"Ruin me, Eleanor." I laugh. "I dare you."


Very much aware that, that isn't Harry in the picture.

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