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Luke picked up a pinecone and put it in our bag. "So are you and Harry together ?" He asked kicking at the ground.

"If we were, I wouldn't be here with you." I point out. He nods and looks down at me. "What about you ? You have a someone special ?"

"No." He said. "There was a girl, but she expected to much from me."

"Girls do that." I tell him. "Girls suck. Relationships suck. I broke up with my boyfriend before I moved here." I point to a leaf on the ground. "Orange leaf." Luke nods and picks it up. I cross it off the list and sigh.

"You're really pretty." He tells me as we stop walking.

"Thanks." I smile at him.

"Anytime." He says. I leaned against a tree and eyed the ground. I heard twigs break, and leafs crunch under his feet. His black vans stepped into my vision and his fingers went under my chin. He lifted my face so I could see him. "I'm gonna take a chance now." He tells me while leaning forward. I slightly nod my head and his lips brush mine.

"Just kiss me." I tell him before his lips crash into mine. His hands traveled down to my butt and squeezed. My hands cupped his face as he backed us up so he was leaning against the tree. His hands slid down to my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist while we hungrily kissed. He bites down softly on my bottom lip, and I open my mouth wider. His tongue slips into my mouth, fighting with mine for dominance.

"You're so hot." He mumbled against my lips. I groaned and attached my lips to his neck, sucking harshly. I pulled away and smirked at the fresh mark. I blew on it.

"Think we're winning ?" I ask him as he places kisses down my jaw.

"I know I'm winning." He said cheekily.

"I am a prize." I tell him cockily.

"You are." I can feel his grin against my neck. For some odd fucking reason, my mind reeled back to Harry.

As I ran my fingers through Luke's hair, I imagined Harry's soft locks. Instead of Luke's hungry lips, I imagined Harry's pink heart shaped lips. Instead of Luke's soft hands, I imagined Harry's rough, large hands. Everything about Luke, was changed to Harry.

And I fucking hated it.

Who the fuck does Harry think he is ? He can't just invade my thoughts without my fucking permission. It doesn't fucking work like that. That little asshole. Who cares about his luscious chocolate locks, or his beautiful green orbs ? Not fucking me.

I don't like Harry fucking Styles, and I never will. He's just something to piss Eleanor off with.

Right ?

"Kiss me." I demand grabbing his face with my hands. He responds quickly as he presses me harder against him. As my mind crowded with lust, nothing else mattered.

Not the footsteps of other seniors, trying to win. Nor that curly haired freak I woke up to this morning. Nothing.

"What the fuck ?!" A loud voice boomed. Even then, we didn't pull apart. A pair of strong hands yanked us apart. I fell backwards and onto my ass. I let out a hiss of pain as a grunt was heard. "Stay away from her !" I opened my eyes to find Harry.

"Harry !" I shout at him as he punched Luke over and over again. "Harry ! Stop !" He still didn't listen to me. I quickly stood up and ran over to them. I grabbed Harry's arm and his angry gaze turned to me. He let's go of Luke who sunk to the ground. As Harry took steps closer, I took steps back. My back hit the tree as he towered over at me.

"Why ?" He growled.

"Why what ?" I squeak out.

"Why him, and not me ?" He asked with angry eyes. "Don't you want me ?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you." I say somewhat confidently. "We're not together."

"I bet you couldn't stop thinking about me." He said with a smirk. I wasn't about to give him satisfaction.

"I didn't think about you once." I tell him. His smirk faded and his angry gaze comes back.

"You're a whore." He says harshly. Making me shrink back. "Stupid slut."

"Fuck y-" I didn't get to finish my sentence. My cheek stung as I faced the left. I turned my head again to see Harry shockingly starring at his own hand. Shocked by his own actions. "You just slapped me." I said in disbelief.


"You just fucking slapped me !" I scream. "Stay the fuck away from me." With that, I escapes his hold and ran back to camp. With only one thing on mind.

Harry Styles slapped me.

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