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"Sit down." My younger sister demanded. I frowned, but listened. "This isn't Washington." She glares. "You don't get to leave whenever you want, or come home whenever you want. You can't come home drunk, or on drugs, or with some random guy hanging on you. You set a bad example for me and the twins. I'll be damned if I let you start up with this again."

"You grew up to fast." I mumble. A sigh escapes her lips as she takes a seat next to me. "I'm better now. I'll stop. You're right. I'm a terrible example. I'll try harder."

"I know." She spares me a small smile before taking my hand in hers. She gives its light squeeze before saying, "I love you."

"I love you too." I mumble wrapping my arms around her. "Never forget it. No matter what happens, I'll love you to the moon and back." She looked slightly confused but hugged me tighter. I lightly kiss her forehead.

"Mom and dad come home in a few days." She tells me when we break from our embrace. I let out a groan as she picks up the TV remote. She let's out a chuckle and I pick up my phone, decideding to open the texts, that I didn't open this morning. All of them except the Unknown number were about how Harry needs to talk to me, and how I need to answer my phone. Most of the Unknown number texts were about my night out, but the last 2 stuck out to me for some reason.

From Unknown:
Don't believe everything you see. Looks can be deceiving. The devil was once an angel.

From Unknown:
Anna is one crazy bitch.

I furrow my eyebrows at the last one but shake it off. "What time do the twins get out of school ?"

"About an hour. Are you picking them up, or do you want me to walk to their school ?" Tru asks while flipping the channel.

"Why don't they ride the bus home ?" I ask with a sigh.

"I don't know."

"Well they're going to start." I sigh. "I'm going to get dressed." My sister nods as I walk up to my room. I pull on a random sweater, black leather leggings, and brown fur boots. I throw my hair into a messy bun and walk back downstairs. I grab my cell phone and sighed. "I'm going to get them." Tru nods as I exit the house.

The walk to the elementary school was maybe a 40 minute walk. I walked down the sidewalk at a fast pace. Wanting to get there and get home. I really don't want to walk, so I pulled out my phone and dialed Louis' number. "Hey, Jenny." Louis exclaimed into the phone.

"Will you come pick me up at the one park with the river ? Then drive me to Oddin and Eddie's school, then back home ?" I ask. Louis hums.

"I'll be there in 5." Louis concludes.

"Kay." I say hanging up. I hold my phone in my hand tightly as I stopped in front of the park. Before I know it, Louis' black Range Rover was pulling up. For some reason, all the boys have the same car. It's annoying. "Hey." I said getting into the passenger side.

"Hey kid." Louis grins as he begans driving to the elementary school. When we got there, I hopped out and leaned against the car. The boys should be out in like 5-10 minutes. Louis gets out and stands next to me. "Why weren't you at school ?"

"Hungover." I shrugged. Louis nods.

"Harry was drugged." Louis says nonchalantly. My eyes buldged out of my sockets as my head snapped towards him. "And he was raped."

"What the fuck." I said in disbelief. "By who ?"

"We don't know yet. Harry doesn't remember anything." Louis sighs. All of sudden, like something clicked in my head, I put the pieces together.

"Anna." I whisper. Louis looks at me confused. "It all makes sense ! I got that picture of them kissing. Then the shadows in his window. Then the texts I got last night. Anna drugged Harry, and raped him."

"Texts ?"

"Some unknown person keeps texting me." I tell him. "It's like some Pretty Little Liar shit."

"JENNY !" I hear 2 little voices yell. I look up to see Oddin, and Eddie, running towards me. I smile slightly at the boys. I open the back door for them and they hug me before getting in. I help them buckle in as Louis gets in. I slam their door shut and walk around to the passenger side. I hop in and buckle up.

"Boys, this is Louis." I introduce. "Louis, this is Oddin and Eddie. Eddie's the taller one."

"Hi." Eddie and Oddin chorus. Louis says hello back before focusing on the road. Louis pulled up in front of my house and I sigh.

"Is Harry home ?" I ask Louis. He nods and I bite my cheek. "Okay." I get out then help the twins out. Louis drives off and I point towards the house. "Go inside. Tell Tru I'm at the neighbors." The boys nod before taking off.

I take a deep breath before looking over at Harry's house. I slowly walked over there to his yard and up to his porch. I knocked lightly on the door. Within a few seconds, the door swings open.

"I'm ready to listen."


Cliffhanger ! What do you think is going to happen ? Will the talk go smoothly, or will Jenny get pissed at him again ?

Question of the week:

Who's your favorite One Direction member ?

My answer:

Harry. But whenever I think about it, I cry. I don't know why. I think it's because I don't want to have a favorite, because I love them all equally, but Harry gets me every time. I don't even know.

I've been the shittest cousin this week & I'm so sorry. I love my cousin to death, & she's my best friend. & to think I wasn't able to be there for her last night, kills me. I'm so sorry, Christa. I love you, & I'm sorry if I upset you in anyway.

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