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From Harold:
Are we still on for lunch ? I can pick you up from the school, & then drop you off.

To Harold:
Yeah. Did you get suspended ?

From Harold:
Yeah.. Are you mad ?

To Harold:
Just a little disappointed.. I just wanted you to stick up for Sam. Not get pissed because some loser called me a slut. His words didn't mean anything to me, & they shouldn't have meant anything to you. I can handle them. Thank you for protecting me though.

From Harold:
I'm sorry....

To Harold:
What's done is done. There's nothing we can do about it now. I just want you to be careful. I'll see you in a bit, yeah ?

From Harold:
Okay. & yeah. I see you in a bit, love.

I didn't bother texting Harry back after that. I slipped my phone in my pocket and tapped my foot as I waited for the bell to ring. As soon as it rang, I shot out of my seat and flew out the door. I fast walked down the halls and to the front door. I pushed open the door and my eyes scanned the front of the school.

He wasn't here.

I sighed and pulled out my phone.

To Harold:
Where are you ? 3rd is out..

I hit send and waited for a reply. When my phone buzzed, it wasn't who I wanted it to be.

From Unknown:
Looks like Lover Boy has other interests. xx

Attached to the text was a picture of Harry and Anna kissing. My breath hitched as I clenched me jaw. If Harry wanted to kiss Anna, he can. But I won't be waiting for him when he wants to crawl back to me. He may feel like he needs to protect me from my biological parents, and I won't stop him, but he won't have me the way he wants me.

I sigh slightly as I hike my bag up onto my shoulder. I'm just going to walk home. I put in my headphones and let Ryan Beatty blast. I hummed as I walked the short walk home. When my phone buzzed, I looked down once again. It was another text.

From Unknown:
Is the baby going home ?

I ignored the text and continued the walk home. When I got there, I went straight to my room and looked at my open curtains. I walked over to my window and looked out. My brows furrowed as I made out 2 shadows in Harry's room. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

From Harold:
Something came up. I'll pick you up after school.

I shook my head and opened my window slightly. I went over to my speakers and plugged in my phone. I turned it up as loud as I could and put on I'm Not A Vampire by Falling In Reverse. If Harry doesn't get the message, then fuck him.

I hummed as I went over to my dresser. I picked up my brush and brushed my hair. I wanted to go out tonight. Forget all about today, and that's what I was going to do.


To Ade:
Clubbing tonight. You in ?

From Ade:
Hell yeah. I'll pick u up at 8.

I opened my closet and began picking out my outfit. I pulled out a black dress that clung to me and had a full sleeve. I tossed it onto my bed and kicked black heels over to it.

Tonight is going to be hella, and Harry will regret fucking around with another girl.

Harry's POV

Everything was drowsy. I didn't know what was happening. Loud music filled my room. It was kinda clear it wasn't coming from my room. At least I think I'm in my room.

I'm not completely sure.

A figure was on top of me and whoever it was moaned softly. What was going on ? I tried to move, but I couldn't. "J-Jenny ?" I asked faintly. Her name struggled to escape my lips.

"Yeah." She whispers. "It's me." It didn't sound like her. Her hands on my chest didn't feel like her hands. When she kissed me, it didn't feel like her soft lips. I highly doubt she'd let me fuck her while she's on her period.

A moan escaped my lips and before I know it, I was releasing into this unknown female. "You did so good." She praises kissing my lips. It didn't feel right. I wanted to push her off of me, but I couldn't.

What was going on ?


Eek. I'm grounded & updating from my brother's tablet.

Don't tell my mom.

Anyways, I have a question.

What's your favorite color ?

Mines purple.

I love you all.

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