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I can hear them talking about me. They've been doing it ever since I locked myself in the bathroom. Their whispers of confusion.

They don't understand.

My whole life, has been a lie. I'm not who I thought I was. Everything around me was a lie. My mom isn't my mom. My dad isn't my dad. My siblings aren't my siblings. It's been a lie.

"Kitten ?" Harry calls knocking on the door. I continue to sit against the wall, not making a sound. "Please open the door." I still didn't say anything.

I was to lost, confused, hurt, and betrayed to even think about talking. I don't want to talk. I just wish they'd leave me alone.

"Open this door." Harry says a little more forcefully. I still didn't move. "I swear to god, I'll break down this damn door." No sound, nor movement from me. I heard a bang on the door. Then another, and another. Eventually, the door broke open and a pissed off Harry entered the room.

Harry's POV

She stared at me for a few seconds, before bursting into tears. All my pervious anger distinguishing after every water droplet that fell from her beautiful eyes. Sorrow, and sympathy replacing the anger.

I sat next to her, and pulled her into my lap. She clung onto me, as if I was her rock. As if she needed me most in the world. Someone to protect her, be her knight in shining armor.

And that someone will be me.

"It's okay." I coo brushing her hair behind her ear. She buried her head into my neck and cried. I tightened my hold around her and kissed her neck.

"No its not." She sobs. "Everything is a lie."

"I know." I say kissing the side of her head. "I'm here now. I'll protect you." She started shaking her head furiously and pushing at my chest.

"I don't want you to protect me ! I want to go home !" She screams at me while salty tears escape her eyes. "I don't want to be near you ! Any of you ! I want to be at Sophie's ! I want to be in America ! Where none of this existed." I tightened my hold around her and she stopped trying to push me away. "I just want to be normal."

"Normal doesn't exist for you anymore." Someone said from the bathroom doorway. I turn towards the doorway to find our inside girl, Roxy. Her pink hair was down and she wore a blue sweater. Roxy tells us what's going on in the gang. She let's us know what's happening. "Welcome to the new world, Princess. How does it feel to have a million on your life ?"

"Roxy." Christa hisses from behind her. "Shut your mouth."

"Just showing her reality." Roxy shrugs.

"No." Christa snaps. "Your being a bitch."

"Harry." Jenny whimpers. I look down at the fragile girl in my arms. "Take me home and leave me alone."

"Leave you alone ?!" Roxy laughs like a maniac. "Are you fucking mad ?! We're trying to protect you, you petty bitch."

"Harry." Jenny pleads while gripping onto my arm. "Please."

"Okay, Kitten." I sigh. "I'll take you home."

"You've got to be kidding me !" Roxy yells. "What's the point in this if your going to let her get taken ! That's what your doing ! By letting her go home, your giving her to them !"

"Roxy." I growl. "Enough." I stand up with Jenny in my arms and walk towards the front door. "Is her suitcase in the car ?"

"Yes." Zayn answered.

"Thanks." I tell him as I walk out the door.

"Harry !" Roxy yells. "We won't be able to protect her if you let her go !"

"Piss off you snobby slut." Jenny finally hisses at Roxy. I kept my chuckle in as I opened the passenger door. I set Jenny in and her small hands reached her the seatbelt. I shut the door as she buckled up and hurried to the driver side. Within 20 minutes we were at her house, parked on the street.

She made no movement to move as she stared ahead, and I wasn't going to make her move. Her adoptive family's car was in the driveway. Lights were on inside of her house.

"Harry." She finally spoke. Voice almost silent. My eyes trained on her soft features. Her hazel eyes glistened with tears. Her cheeks slightly flushed. Her bottom lip trembling. Her small hands shaking in her lap. She nervously tapped her feet on the floor.

"Yes Kitten ?" I ask her after I soak up her beauty.

"Stay away from me." She says after a moment of silence. No emotion in her voice. "I don't want to be near any of you." With that, she gets out of the car and heads up her driveway. She pushes open the door and I can only imagine her running up the stairs. I watch her bedroom light turn on and let out a sigh.

"I wish I could, Kitten."

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