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Jenny's POV

I stumbled up the steps of my house at like 5am. I thanked the heaven's that my parents were out of town and that only my younger siblings were here. I pounded on the door and yelled for my sister. "Tru !" I slurred. A light turned on in the house as I drunkly yelled for my sister.

"Jesus." Tru sighed as she opened the door. She helped me in and slammed the door afterwards. Making sure it's lock and the alarm is set. I giggle at my little who sister who wears a scowl. "Let's get you to bed." I nodded enthusiastically as she helps me up the stairs.

"Pigs fly." I grin at her. She ignores my stupid statement as she pushes open my door. Eddie and Oddin stood at the end of the hall. Watching me. Tru sets me in bed and covers me up. I lay back with a yawn as she puts my shoes in my closet.

"I'll be right back." She tells me. I nod and watch her disappear out of my room. My phone started to ring and I clumsily answered it.

"Hello ?" I slur.

"Are you drunk ?" Harry asks in disbelief.

"I'm mad at you." I frown. "I like you and you made me mad. You and Anna." I set my phone down and I can hear him talking but I don't care. Tru came in and noticed my phone was still on call. She pushed end and put a glass of water, and two white pills next to it.

"Go to sleep." Tru demands. "I'll see you tomorrow." I nod sheepishly and she leaves my room, turning off the light and closing the door behind her. Before I know it, I'm out like a lamp.


I groaned as I opened my eyes. My phone buzzing constantly from the spot next to me. I sighed as I looked at the time.

1:42 pm.

I sighed before grabbing my phone and looking at the many, many missed calls and texts. I shook my head as I grabbed the pills and water next to my bed. I quickly took them before heading into my bathroom and doing my girl stuff.

I sighed as my phoned buzzed again. I walked over to my nightstand and picked the stupid thing up.

18 texts from Harold
53 missed calls from Harold
8 texts from NiNi
9 missed calls from NiNi
3 texts from Ade
27 texts from Christa
15 missed calls from Christa
1 texts from Sammy Boy
2 texts from Zen
1 missed call from Zen
4 missed calls from Li
3 texts from Lou
1 text from Tru
35 texts from Unknown

I frowned at the amount of time everyone is putting in to reach me. Well most of everyone. I decided to open my sister's first.

From Tru:
Hey, how you feeling ? The neighbor took the boys to school. There's eggos in the freezer. Take a hot shower. We need to talk when I come home. See you around 3.

I frown at the message. I already know our talk isn't going to be good. I used to do this in Washington, and she would flip. I shake my head and open my text from Sam.

From Sammy Boy:
You weren't in math. I got your homework for you. I'll drop it off after school.

I sent him a quick text thanking him along with my address. I clicked Ade's name and sighed when her texts came up.

From Ade:
Holy shit. Dude has small dick. 8=D

From Ade:
I had so much fun last night !(:

From Ade:
R u as hungover as I am ?

I furrow my eyebrows as I try to remember what happened last night. All I remember was getting super drunk. I click on the texts from Zayn.

From Zen:
Harry's freaking out. Call him ?

From Zen:
Or not. It's up to you.

I shake my head and put down my phone. I don't want to go through the rest right now, knowing the rest will be about Harry. I sigh as I change into sweats and a sweater. I quickly walked downstairs and pulled open the freezer. I grabbed a few eggos out of the box and put them in the toaster. When it pops up, I put it on my plate and drowned it in syrup. Just as I was about to eat my food, my phone rings, scaring the living daylights out of me.

"Hello ?" I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Finally." Harry says relieved. "I need to talk to you."

"No." I growl hanging up. I tossed my phone onto the counter. I finish eating my eggos before deciding to shower. I sigh as I walk upstairs and into the bathroom.

I'm dreading the rest of the day, and tomorrow's events.


I'm updating now because I have finals tomorrow & I plan to come home & sleep.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK(this is probably lame, but oh well):

Do you have any siblings, & if so, how many ?

My answer:

I have a brother & a sister. They're younger than me, & they're pains in the neck.

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