Catching Feelings - Jung Jae Hyun (NCT)

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a/n : The prompt was given by a friend. Sorry for changing the plot and not quite the same with the original request. I'll develop more in the future! Hope you like it


"Jae Hyun! Here! Here!"

The man looks to the source and immediately lightens up as he sees familiar faces waving at him. As he approaches the table, all eyes are on him. They stare in awe, wondering how he aged like wine after all these years, silently cursing what happens to themselves.

The men stare at him with envy.

The women are charmed with his presence itself.

"I'm sorry for being late," he apologizes with a dashing smile.

"That's okay! We are just about to start catching up."

They immediately let go of him. Then again, no one ever hates him.

Jae Hyun is their high school sweetheart. The basketball captain team, the top three students, the teacher's pet. Basically, high school was his kingdom.

This gathering party is the first party he ever attends after graduating from high school. He always avoids this kind of gathering until the point he can't give anymore excuses. After 8 years graduating, he finally meets them again.

Even though high school years were his golden time, he never wishes to recall about it anymore.

The past is just a past. He chooses to live his present now.

"Jae Hyun, you don't seem to age at all."

One of his female friends finally voices out their curiosity while bluntly staring at his face, making him chuckle in awkwardness. The other's voicing out their same opinion.

'Again. The only thing that matters to them is my face. Nothing else.'

"I envy you Jae Hyun. Life must be easy for me if I had at least half of your visuals."

'Easy, huh?'

"Hey, Jung Jae Hyun is the only one! Nothing can copy him. Even the plastic surgeon can't do that."

'Ha.. Ha.. I don't know if I should've felt insulted or the opposite.'

"Jae Hyun-ah, do you have a girlfriend right now?"

"Of course, he has!"

"No, I don't."

For the second time he opens up his mouth to answer the question, the table turns quite. They stare at him, not believing what he just said. This time Jae Hyun enjoys the surprise look on their face, shrugging his shoulder as he casually drinks his beer.

"Unbelievable." One of them gasps dramatically.

"Are you telling the truth, Jae Hyun?"

He nods. His face shows indifference. Just like the heaven's bell just chims, his female friends who are still single are eager all of a sudden. They see him as their potential partner, probably starting something that they didn't get to do back in high school. Almost all the men groan because Jae Hyun just shut down their opportunity to get someone as their partner. They know they can't compete against him.

"Jae Hyun-ah, I heard Im Yoo Jung is also single now. Her engagement just called off a few months ago."

"You'll make a good match. Im Yoo Jung the fairy and Jung Jae Hyun the prince of Saeri High School. What does it sound like?"

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