Roler Coaster Emotion - Kang Ki Young

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a/n: this is a little different than I originally planned and what you requested

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a/n: this is a little different than I originally planned and what you requested. But I still hope you enjoy the flow. Thank you for requesting this! 


5 years ago

I used to hate the phrase that 'man and woman can't be friends'. It's always one of them that has feelings or neither of them denying that they don't feel sparks towards each other. They said at one point or another, they will fall for each other, maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late or maybe forever.

Maybe, it happens in our life too at some point.

"Ban Ji Min, you don't leave your table until you finish your food."

I groaned at how Ki Young narrowed his eyes at me then back to my half filled plate. I felt bad too for not finishing it, but I swore to God if I took another bite, I might puke.

"Finish this for me." I said, pushing the plate to his side which made his frown go deeper. "I'm serious, I can't eat anymore."

"Next time, you ate my leftovers. Just don't order anything." he stated, eventually eating the rest of the food.

I nodded and my attention distracted at the message notification from my phone. When I read the text, I had to bite my lower lips to prevent myself from smiling too wide. These days, Ki Young has been too hostile towards me in a kind of 'flirtationship' with one of the seniors in my department.

"You look stupid holding your stupid smile like that," he said without looking up at me. "Why don't you guys date already?! You've been like this for almost what -3 months?"

"Maybe if you weren't so hostile with him everytime he met me, we would have dated already." I shot back and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't have good feelings about it. I told you already."

"If you said the reasons, I would consider your opinion."

He always hung up on me whenever we went to that topic. He chose not to say his reason and I knew he hid something.

"You're starting to keep secrets from me, it's not how our friendship goes, Ki Young."

I couldn't forget the long look he gave me when I said that. Something was wrong with my words or was it how he took it in a way I don't understand. These days, I felt like I didn't know my best friend. 10 years of friendship, now we are in college, it was something worth celebrating. I barely trusted someone, but Ki Young here was an exception. Just like another friendship, we insult each other more than we compliment. I believe we didn't even remember the last time we threw each other compliments. He was always the first one that came to my mind whenever I did something. I knew he always looked for me whenever he looked for a companion. We already ignored the words that people around us said that we looked like an old married couple rather than best friends. But it eventually faded away as Ki Young was involved in continuous relationships since we were in high school. There were girls that he dated that somehow never really got along with me. His last ex-girl friend was finally someone that I can get along with, but Ki Young never maintained a relationship for more than two months. I witnessed him being dumped over reasons that I couldn't even understand until now.

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